Chapter Eighty-One

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"Bless us O Lord and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen."


"Alright, let's eat," Gelo rubbed his hands together in anticipation following his dad blessing the table, "it looks good ma."

"Well, you know I had to put together a nice meal for your guest," she smiled as dishes were uncovered and started to circulate around the table.

"Aubrey doesn't count as a guest anymore. He's like another son," his dad chuckled, "but we're happy to have you two lovely ladies in our home."

"Thank you for having us," Elena and Mila said in unison, "your home is beautiful."

"This looks great," Mila continued, "the presentation is gorgeous."

"Thank you dear. Angelo told us that you're a connoisseur in the kitchen."

"Your writing a book is that right?" Mr. Ferraro chimed in.

"Well, it's actually already written. It'll be in stores just before Thanksgiving."

"Oh Angelo buy your mother a copy you hear? If her cooking is as wonderful as you've described to me I'm going to need that book in my kitchen."

"I got you ma," Gelo said as he started to dive into the made from scratch lasagna, garlic bread and salad with a glass of red wine on the side.

"Look at Aubrey. He's got himself an author, chef and musician," Mr. Ferraro said, "when we talk he goes on and on about you. He had said you worked in the emergency medical field when yous first met. I said, well you know one things for sure...if she beats you up for being stupid she'll be able to take care of you too."

I shook my head and laughed. He reminded me so much of my uncles Hal and Steve, which is why I enjoyed being around him and his family when I could. They were good people.

"Do you enjoy the kitchen as well, Elena?" his mother, who preferred for us to call her Caren, asked.

"Um, I know a few things here and there but I'm not quite as skilled as my sister," she said, "I spend most of any off time on the job or trying to rest and prepare for another shift."

"That's right, Angelo did say you worked in the hospital. As a pediatrician correct?"

"Yes ma'am," she nodded.

"Oh well that sounds very demanding in itself. You spend all day taking care of sick children then you have to put up with the biggest baby of them all after hours," Caren smirked at her son.

"Hahaha ma, very funny. I told you they were something else," he pretended to whisper to Lena.

"So tell us what else is going on Angelo? Are you still planning on opening up that restaurant?" Mr. Ferraro asked.

"Yeah. It's a process but it's coming together. We have a location that we're closing on. Then you know, designing the floor plans and all that is next on the agenda along with hiring people. AG is helping with that. The guy I'm going into business with has been good friends of Emilia's for a while, so she's doing us the favor of coming on board as executive chef. We're going to hire her a whole kitchen staff to run and put her in charge of the menu."

Mila smiled from ear to ear. Look at my baby doing her thing. I love it.

"I love seeing young people doing great things like this. Do you have a name for it yet?"

"Yeah, we do actually. Owen, Aubrey, Emilia and I had a conversation earlier today and agreed on Fring's."

"That sounds jazzy. I like it."

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