Chapter One Hundred and One

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Three Days Later

Another busy day at the office. This was the first time in a few months that Cedars-Sinai pediatric department was at full capacity. Neonates, infants, children and adolescents with a wide range of needs were sought after and cared for diligently. My focus was heavily on two patients specifically under me and my nursing staffs care. An four year old with a severe gastroenteritis and a two year old with pneumonia. Their parents were stressed and worried. Not only was it my job to care for their children, but I had to sooth their nerves and gain their trust as their child's caregiver.

Each child had their afternoon medication administered to them by my nurses. Once they informed me that all went well in that regard, I gave myself a forty-five minute time frame for lunch. It usually took an hour for medication to kick in and begin it's course. As soon as I finished, I'd be back in to check on them.

I heated up some leftovers in the microwave in my office. Usually, I'd have some soft music playing from Pandora for a calm vibe but today I had to catch up with what my sister has been doing on television.

Em had been out in New York for three days now. Working her butt off might I add. Every time we talked she was doing something. She sent tons of photos. I watched her interview with Rachael Ray last night with Angelo. The episode she filmed for Guy's show wouldn't be on until later this month. She made an appearance on the Wendy Show this morning. I was able to watch the first half of it before I went on the clock this morning. Now was the perfect time to continue from where I had left off.

"Okay," Wendy smoothed out her skirt and shuffled her reference cards in her hands, "the viewers will kill me if I don't ask you about a very special life event that happened recently."

Em gave her a shy smile and glanced at the audience.

"You're engaged! Congratulations!" she exclaimed.

The audience cheered insanely loud as a picture of Aubrey proposing to her appeared on the screen, followed by a series of awe's.

"Thank you. Thank you guys."

"That's a beautiful picture of such a beautiful moment. So give me the details? How did Drake propose to you?"

Em giggled, "He made it very special. Everything from the location to his words were very thoughtful, sincere and from the heart. We had talked about marriage before but when he got down on one knee I was in total shock. It's easily one of the happiest moments of my life."

"And we all know Drake's history with women is...extensive...this is the first time we've ever seen this type of commitment from him," Wendy said, "I think that says a lot about you as a woman."

"You think so?"

"You just give me a different vibe. Like, you're this beautiful, sexy woman that's college educated, business minded, ambitious, multi-talented with this down home, girl next door, take me to meet your mom and she'll love me vibe. Wifey material most definitely. I can't say the same about his other choices in women. Shouts out to you Aubrey Graham, you got it right with this one. I like her!"

The audience continued cheering.

"So do we have a date for the wedding?"

"Not yet," she said, "even though my mom and my sister have already gotten a head start on some plans there won't be anything soon. We're both about to get into some very busy parts in our careers so right now...he's preparing to release an album. I have projects I'm working on following the book release next week so we're just enjoying the moment."

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