Chapter One Hundred and Twenty -Part One

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The line went quiet. Lena and I were looking at each other. Her face bore shock. I have no clue what I was looking like. This wasn't exactly what I was expecting to hear when she ran up here. Homicidal asphyxiation? She must have meant to say suicidal. I could believe that he'd take the cowards way out of this. His sentencing would've been in a few days and without a shout of a doubt he was getting some time.

Gelo jogged up the stairs, totally oblivious to what was going on. Lena was frozen. She probably didn't even realize he was standing right beside her. By the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was zapped.

"Emilia, are you still there?"

Just that quickly I had forgotten that Michelle was on the phone. I snapped out of my thoughts in need of more information.

"I'm still here," I said, looking at Aubrey who wore a similar look of disbelief, "what exactly happened?"

"I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to share that right now."

"After all this shit he's caused my family, you don't think we deserve to know how he died?" I said back, "come on Michelle."

"Died? Who the fuck died?" Gelo looked amongst the three of us for an answer, "AG, what's going on?"

"It's gruesome Emilia. I don't think-"

"Gruesome? What's gruesome about choking someone?" I asked.

Gelo put his arm around Lena and pulled her body close to his. He continued looking at me for an answer.

She sighed, "he was bleeding pretty heavily from the waist down when he was found. His um...his testicles were cut off and lodged in his throat. Arms tied behind his back with a zip tie and a bed sheet was wrapped around his face and tied around his ankles."


"Emilia, what is she saying?" I heard Aubrey ask.

"That's the most insane shit I've ever heard. He did that to himself?" I continued to ask questions in attempt of making sense of it all.

"From what the DA is telling me. His cell mate did it."

I palmed my forehead in complete disbelief. Not only about the fact that he's dead but how he died. This is by far the most absurd shit I've ever heard.

I tried to envision it happening. I'm almost sure it was a bloody mess. He had to be cell mates with a ruthless, cold blooded man. But then again, those who have committed violent acts against children don't do well behind bars. Prisoners hated them and made it their business to make their lives hell. I learned something from watching shows like Locked Up.

"I can call you guys back when I have more details. Prison Services should be contacting Elena shortly along with the Family Liaison. I just thought it'd be better if I talked to you guys first."

"Thank you for the concern," I said, "we'll talk later. Please keep us updated."

"Absolutely. Take care."

I hung up and watched my sister hide her face in Gelo's chest. He gently rubbed her back and rested his chin on her head, still trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Emilia, who was that?" Aubrey asked, grabbing my hand.

"Michelle," I tightened my grip on the phone, "he's dead. Paul's dead."

Gelo's eyes widened. Elena remained silent. Aubrey started asking the same questions that I had. What? When? How?

"Michelle got a call from the defensive attorney in Florida. Allegedly his cell mate attacked him dismembering his testicles and lodging them in his throat while he was tied up and bound. Although I'm pretty sure he bled out quiet a bit, they believe he died from asphyxiation."

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