Chapter Ten

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Waking up the next morning to see Aubrey still on the phone brought a smile to my face. I assumed he had it propped up on the pillow beside him being that I could see the upper half of him perfectly. Shirtless. Both arms underneath the pillow with his mouth slightly open and occasional snores.

I left the phone on my bed and went about my normal morning routine. A quick shower woke me up and had me ready to tackle the day. While damp, I braided my hair down around the crown to my nape pinning the loose down with a few bobby pins.

It wasn't until I was dressed and lacing up my boots that I could hear him calling my name. I laughed at him looking around at the screen; he smiled when he saw me.

"Wow, I guess it is true?" he said.

"What?" I asked, confused by his statement.

"That you wake up that beautiful."

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes in a playful manner, "Stop Aubrey. It's too early for you to have me to blushing."

"It's never too early for that," he grinned, "but in all seriousness, I've been around a lot of women and I've never seen someone that has natural beauty like you do. You know they be needing the lashes, mascara, lipstick and weave and shit."

I laughed at him batting his eyes and pretending to stroke his hair, "you're a mess."

"I'm just saying. You look amazing just like that. Don't let anybody tell you any different."

"Thank you."

"Well, I don't want to hold you up. I know you have to get to the money and save the world."

"All in a day's work."

"Have good day, Mila. I'll call you later?"

"That'll be good. Bye, have a good day," I waved.

"See you later."

When that six hour call ended, I was made aware of all that I missed throughout the night.

Jhaleel: sorry for spazzing like that

Jhaleel: I just didn't like the fact that he was in your ear about me.

Jhaleel: you just took it and ran with it. Not listening to me.

Jhaleel: I love you. We just got to a good place. That's why I was so angry.

Jhaleel: let me come scoop you after work. We need to talk.

Falling asleep with Aubrey on the phone had took my mind off of what was going on between Jhaleel and I, but here I am back to reality. I had called him over last night and confronted him about what Owen told me. He was upset for lack of a better term, repeatedly saying that he wanted to kick his ass and accusing Owen of having it out for him.

Emilia: I just need to know if there is any truth to what he said. Simple as that.

Jhaleel: just let me come see you and I'll tell you everything.

Emilia: ok

It seemed like just as things started getting better with my relationship, here comes this bomb. I wanted to believe that he wasn't out there having sex with other girls, but seeing how out of control he was when he drank made me think otherwise. I remember the morning I came home from Aubrey's; he was completely wasted, the worst I've ever seen him.

The tension between Owen and I was blatantly obvious as we started the morning cleaning out the rig. There were no words exchanged. I hummed softly to myself while I filled out the checklist. He wasn't speaking to me for whatever reason, so I wasn't speaking to him.

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