Chapter Forty-One

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Three Days Later

Since I've been home I've dedicated all my free time to working on perfecting my manuscript and sketching ideas for the book cover. There were people on my publishing team who had been assigned to take care of that, but I had my own ideas. I wanted it to remain quirky, fun, and spunky. Since the term Wanderlust meant the strong desire to travel and discover new places, I figured that the planet Earth could be incorporated into the design or the seven continents. That'd be cool seeing that my heritage runs from Europe, Puerto Rico, Africa and North America.

They wanted me on the cover, but I didn't want to be in some traditional, corny pose smiling hard as hell. I wanted to be natural looking with little make up. My hair in its natural state.

Some bright colors to draw buyers attention. A gorgeous diary penmanship style font. I made sure to jot all of my ideas down, so I could present them in next weeks meeting.

I sat on my bed with my laptop in front of me and notepad on the side, electing to take a break from finalizing my manuscript to browse social media.

It's crazy how the entertainment world works. After three days, the Drake/Serena story had died down tremendously. All of the gossip blogs had moved on to the next big thing; Kylie Jenner's 18th birthday. Thank you Kylie.

I kept my notifications turned off, so I wouldn't be disturbed by anything else that would happen to pop up out of the blue. I liked it better this way.

As I scrolled through my Instagram timeline, I liked a photo Max had posted of him wearing one of three pairs of sneakers Aubrey had sent him. I was surprised when Max handed me three boxes in my size saying that Aubrey sent them for me while I was away. My mind went back to how jealous I felt that Serena had them before I did and I was his girl. Little did I know.

We went out for dinner last night with our dad and Elena. Dad was so happy to have all of us together like that. He was excited at the news about my book deal and couldn't wait to tell my grandparents. We talked about Max's official visit to Duke and Elena's new home. He was elated about the direction his children were headed in.

Towards the end, he expressed that there was one thing he needed for us to do; talk to my mother. Elena and I haven't spoken to her since the dinner. Max didn't have a choice being that he lived with her, but dad said his attitude hasn't been that great. He said she had been pretty depressed lately. She cries a lot at night. Probably over Lena and Max, not me. She doesn't care about me; the black sheep. I couldn't make any promises to him but when I felt ready, I would let him know.

Aubrey didn't come up at the table, but on the way home Max asked about him. He brought up the Serena thing but brushed it off by saying, "but yeah Aubrey told me it was all a misunderstanding. you guys talked about it and you're good. That must suck when the paparazzi try to mess up your life like that. I guess it comes with being famous."

I let him roll with that. Just like my miscarriage, I couldn't tell him that Aubrey and I were 'not together' right now. He didn't need to worry about me. School and basketball needed to remain his primary focus.

I continue to scroll, liking and commenting on a picture the Courtne had posted of Owen in uniform.

queenshmink: #MCE @ogtull 😊

It had tons of likes and comments from other girls talking about how hot he was. I thought the two of them were so cute together. It made me smile.

a_milli: he's alright 😒😕 lol

I was happy to see a post from Elena. Yes, I had finally gotten her to get an account. Once she got the hang of it she was the selfie queen honey. I couldn't hate; she was gorgeous and was exuding confidence. That was good for her.

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