Chapter Eighty-Six

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Three Days Later

It felt weird not waking up to Mila and holding her at night as she slept. My bed felt so empty. That only encouraged me even more to lock myself in the studio and work hours and hours on end. Me and 40. Every night, late night.

She kept me updated on her daily activities. Opting for a FaceTime chat or phone call when she wasn't busy. Other than that we communicated via text.

Monday she was just getting in. Tuesday, she attended a meeting with her publisher to see and approve her book. It was finally done. She was so happy, sending me a video of her showing it off to me. I was proud. November 24 was her big day. A month away. My baby's first book would be in stores worldwide.

Later that night she was in a studio session with Bink. A producer I had worked with in the past alongside J. Cole for Jodeci Freestyle. Good dude. Dope ass producer. She was in good hands. 40 had me working. I'd text her during breaks. We were both secretive about what we were recording, not wanting the other to hear it until it was completed.

While 40 was tweaking the bass on one of my tracks, I made a quick exit to the wet bar for a glass of Hennessy. I spotted Gelo stretched out on the couch in the living room. I wouldn't have found it awkward if the tv were on or if he was on his laptop or something, however, he was just laying there. Eyes open, looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

"You need me to fix you one to brother?" I called to him, knowing he could probably hear the clinking sound of ice filling the glass.


I pulled out another glass, filled it with ice and covered it with brown liquid.

By the time I walked over, he was sitting up playing around in his phone.

"Thanks man," he accepted it with a nod.

"No problem. You good?"

"I'm straight," we took our first sips concurrently.

"Where's Elena?"

"In my room, asleep. Work kinda burned her out," he sighed, "I was laying with her...but I just...I don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"She's driving me crazy. Like, I can't be around her without being completely turned on. She got in my bed with a t-shirt on and boy shorts. Boy shorts, AG. So here I am holding her and shit, I'm solid as a rock."

I laughed, "but I thought y'all were moving in that direction? You said she let you-"

"She did. And ever since I've tasted it I've been the horniest I've ever been in my life. I don't want to rush her. I told her we can take our time. We've been close several times after that and she just-"

"She what?"

"She like, freezes up. Like she's about to panic. She'll put her hands on my chest and push me off or if she feels me about to make a move her thighs tightened up like the jaws of life."

"I don't mean to laugh at you man," I chuckled, "but watching you stress over pussy is hilarious."

"I can't watch another porn. So serious. I need the real thing," he sighed, "but I'mma just play it cool. I don't want to pressure her. She got news about the trial and shit today so sex is the last thing she's worried about."

"Oh yeah, Em had hit me up about that earlier. What's the date again?"

"January 15th. That's when it starts. It seems like forever but it'll be here before we know it."

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