Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three

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The scene at Libertine was nice. Aubrey had everyone on their feet dancing and enjoy his mix of today's rap hits and a little reggae/dancehall. I was feeling comfortable yet sexy in black long sleeve mini dress with matching knee high boots. All I wanted was to forget about what happened backstage at the show and not let it ruin Aubrey's night. He seemed to be loosening up and enjoying himself so far. I had to practically beg him to come out here and fulfill his obligations he made to dj and perform. No one person was going to ruin his fans seeing him.I understood him wanting to be protective of me, but I'll be fine. Dude was .2 seconds from getting his face rearranged if Mark hadn't came when he did. I knew Aubrey well enough to know he wasn't done with that situation though. He kept repeating about how the guy got off to easy and he was gonna find him to fuck him up before we left London. That's the last thing I wanted him to do. As much as the guy deserved it, Aubrey had an image to protect and a child on the way. There was more for him to lose in this situation than there was to gain.

He put his arm around me and brought me closer to him as he transitioned into the next song. It was pretty cool when he let me try it out. He made it look so easy. I loved seeing him all focused and stuff. Couldn't wait to see him perform again later on.

"You okay?" he practically had to yell even though we were in close proximity because the music was so loud.

"I'm fine honey. I promise," I said with a smile that I hope was assuring, "I promise to let you know if that changes."

He kissed my cheek and rubbed my side with no intentions of letting go.

"But I do have to go the bathroom," I said to him, feeling the sudden urge to pee that was due to my ever changing uterus, growing belly and the different positions my child like to be in.

He quickly got Chubbs' attention and said something to him that I couldn't make out. Then Chubbs had gotten Mark attention and they exchange words.

"They're going to go with you. Stay close please for my sanity," Aubrey said, kissing my cheek.

Chubbs came around and grabbed my hand to help me out of the booth. Mark lead the way, Chubbs was closely behind me. It felt like the longest walk ever. Probably because if I sneezed right now at this moment I'd totally wet myself. We passed two bathrooms on the way to our VIP section, but Chubbs made it very clear that I was to use the bathroom there and not the public ones.

Once we were there, I handed Mark my phone and clutch to hold. Right as I turned to walk in the bathroom, Chubbs stepped in front on me and told me to wait.

"Chubby seriously, stop playing. I can't hold this," I said.

"Nah, I gotta clear this out first," he knocked on the door a couple times then opened it, "Excuse me ladies, I need everyone to clear out immediately please!"

"Chubbs, you don't have to do that," I nudged him.

Before he could respond to me, a group of girls came filing out. Of course, they gave me dirty looks but I smiled politely as they strutted along.

Chubbs then went in the bathroom and came out a few seconds later.

"All clear," he said, keeping the door open for me, "go ahead."

I moved as fast as my heels would take me to the first open stall I saw. Luckily it had rails on the side so I could squat. I'd never sit down on a public toilet. If it wasn't mine and Aubrey's bathroom or my parents house, I was popping a squat. Just a germaphobe thing I guess.

In the middle of my stream of relief, I heard the door open and close along with footsteps.

"It's just me Mil."

To Your Rescue: The Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora