Chapter Sixty-Seven

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"My God. I can't believe this."

Dad had been pacing back and forth as he threw out questions about what was being said on local news stations in regards to Paul and I. It didn't take long for me to come out right with everything from top to bottom. I didn't see the point in with holding information anymore.

Telling them how I lost my baby was the toughest part. Mom immediately went to tears. Dad was somewhat holding it together. I went on about Em encouraging me to press charges, his arrest and how Harold has been terrorizing us.

His face was flushed as he broke out into a mild sweat. This was all too much for them at one time. Mom forced him to have a seat, picking up a magazine and fanning it in front of him while trying to keep herself from crying.

Em sat to my left, Max sat to my right. They each held my hand. They didn't know how much of a support system they were for me right now. Regardless of how upset she was with me earlier, she told me that she wouldn't let me have this conversation alone.

"How could he do something like that? Maria, that's our daughter!"

His elevated voice startled all three of us. He was fuming. If it was possible for smoke to come through his ears, it'd be happening right now.

"He could have killed my first born baby girl. He killed my first grandchild, Maria!"

I closed my eyes at the sound of the painful crack in his voice.

"Conan, honey you have to calm down. Your blood pressure-"

"Calm down? Every man that I have trusted with my daughters have done nothing but mistreat them!"

I looked over at Em. She couldn't even look at him. We never saw daddy upset like this. To the point of crying? He never cried.

"The law will take care of him, Conan. She did the right thing my going to the police."

He buried his head in my moms shoulder sobbing. It wasn't long before she broke down with him, letting her knees drop down to the floor.

I had broken my parents heart. I hated this feeling. Why me? Why my family? Why?

"Come on, mamma," Max put his arms around her and helped her up, "it's going to be alright. Lena's okay now."

Em and I looked at each other. Having the same idea, we walked over and sat on both sides of our father. He put his arms around us, keeping us close to him like he always did when we were little.

"I love you girls, and my son. I'll go to the ends of the earth to protect my angels. He may think he has the power to get away with this but he has another thing coming," his sobs gradually turning into a defiance and determination.

"Daddy, I'm sorry."

I couldn't think of anything else to say. It was my fault that my mom and dad were like this.

"No, m' inion (my daughter) you did nothing wrong. You are very strong and brave for doing this...doing the right thing. You and your sister both. Carrick's are as strong as an ox you hear me? We don't let scum tear us down."


Emilia: otw home meet me by the pool with the 🚬🍃 😌

Aubrey: didn't go well?

Emilia: very broke my heart...I need an escape. I just want to be held right now.

Aubrey: come home and I got you baby.

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