Chapter Forty-Nine

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I didn't know what Elena's deal was. Everything directed towards me was sarcastic and snappy. What the fuck did I do? Shit, I invited you to my house to kick and what not so I thought we were cool. Guess I had that all wrong.

I left Emilia and Elena to themselves. It felt awkward just standing there. I found Gelo and Owen standing by the bar having a conversation. Maybe one of them knew what ol' girls problem was.

"Wassup AG?" Gelo held his cup up in acknowledgment, "need a re-up?"

"Hell yeah, po' me up," I sat my cup on the bar, "what ya'll got going on?"

"Shid, Big O over here talkin' bout opening a club up in Cali," Gelo said, "he has some pretty good ideas."

"Oh word? That's wassup. What you got in mind?" I looked over at Owen.

"I found this place for sale that fits the vision I'm trying to rock with. Two levels, big ass bar, humongous dance floor, VIP, and private rooms," he stood next to me and showed me pictures on his phone.

It had a lot of potential. It'll be interesting to see where he goes with it. Great location; right off of Santa Monica and Lacienaga Boulevard.

"I had been looking for a business partner for awhile now. Someone who familiar with scene and all. Court threw Gelo's name out there."

"We're gonna sit down and get more into the nuts and bolts," Gelo added, "but I think this is a good look, AG. You know I've been looking to get into something like this."

I nodded, "Yeah man. I like the venue. It's a nice look. Go for that shit, O. G, you only gonna add great things to it."

"Which is why we need to rock together," Owen looked at Gelo, "Imma sell you on this shit and we're gonna be taking over the nightlife of West Hollywood."

We toasted to that. Downing shots of Jack Daniels he had lined up.

"Gelo, what's up with your girl?" I started towards a new subject.

"What you mean?"

"I thought she was borderline between sassy and bitchy, but today she fully crossed over," I explained, "she not feeling The Boy."

"Well, you know the whole thing with you and Serena had her upset, but I told her everything was good with you and Em," he shrugged, "I guess she ain't over it."

"Mila and I are past it. If we're straight why she still giving me shit?"

"If I've learned anything about Elena it's that she slick at the mouth, opinionated and a little prude."

"That's her," Owen nodded heavily, "it don't take long to figure that out."

"I just don't want a fucked up relationship with my girls sister."

"Talk to her," Gelo said, "she's all those things but she ain't completely unreasonable."

Owen faked a couple coughs that made us laugh.

"But nah, you have to kick it to her straight. Like sit cho ass down and listen to what the fuck I gotta say. She don't respond to nothing else," Owen continued, "that's how all them Carrick women are."

"Speaking of," Gelo said under his breath as we saw Emilia headed in our direction.

I licked my lips at her silhouette strutting towards me. Gray leggings, with a denim shirt tied around her slim waist, my sneakers and a tank top.

"Hey boys, can I steal him for a second?" she grabbed my hand.

"You can have me anytime you want baby," I caressed one of her ass cheeks with my hand.

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