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Ethan's POV

I sat there, stunned. I really couldn't believe it. The tears spilled out one by one onto my face. I embraced Grayson so tightly I wasn't sure if he could breath.

She was gone.

Madison's POV

I got my annual text from Grayson telling me he was at my house. Once again, I walked out and into his car. Him and Ethan avoided eye contact with me and Gray kept his eyes on the road.

The whole car ride was silent.

I decided to not talk or try to make a conversation, obviously something happened and I didn't want to push Grayson to tell me.

I walked out and Grayson didn't wait for me like he usually does. He walked in with Ethan, and surprisingly, Ethan didn't go to his friends. He went to his locker and his first period.

I didn't mean to keep looking at what he was doing, but I was curious. What happened when I was gone?

The whole day went by with both of them ignoring me.

After my last class was over, I went to my locker to get my backpack. After closing my locker, I jumped when I say Ethan standing there.

"Sorry, I- I didn't mean to scare you." He said, looking down.

I stood there, dumbfounded. "What?" I questioned.

"Listen, Madison, I'm really sorry. For everything. For bullying you. For hurting you. I mean- look what I did." He said, motioning to my wrist, which he had grabbed forcefully the previous day. "I don't even know what to sa- I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry Madison. I know you won't forgive me, but, just know that I'm sorry." He said, almost all in one breath.

I stared at him, looking at his facial features. His eyes had bags under them, and instead of brown, they looked gray and clouded. He had worry lines on his forehead and a prominent frown. I had never noticed these things before.

"W-what happened?" I asked, almost scared to.

"My sister. She," he looked choked up and struggled to speak. "she committed suicide. Because of b-bullying. I'm so sorry Madison. I really am."

"It took that for you to realize what you were doing to me?" I confidently spoke, not noticing the crowd that had formed.

"I know, it's fucking stupid, I'm so fucking stupid." He said, his fist coming in contact with a few lockers next to me. He banged his head against it and tears started to form in his eyes.

Teachers began to shoo away the crowd of students, leaving me and Ethan. Alone.

"Listen Ethan, what you did to me will take a lot for me to forget. But I see how much pain you have. I see how hard this is, and I can relate to you. I don't forgive you right now, but I'll give you a chance. Don't assume we're friends, though." I said.

He looked up at me, almost smiling. "Thank you so much." He stated, engulfing me into a hug.

I stood there, stunned. I felt uncomfortable in his embrace.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He started.

"It's okay Ethan." I said before turning away. I saw Grayson waiting in his car with his head resting on the wheel.

I opened that door and hugged him. "Grayson, I heard what happened. I'm so sorry."

He cried into my chest, and we stayed like this until he had to bring me home.

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