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Madison's POV (played by summer mckeen- pictured above)

The light on my phone lit up the dark room as I got a text notification. I knew who it was from, and what it would say, because it's the only text I ever get.

Grayson: be there in 10.

Grayson Dolan was my only friend. The only person who wasn't embarrassed to talk to me. And most importantly, he was my only ride to school.

I swung my legs over the bed and unplugged my phone. I brushed through my hair a little, not caring much about what it looked like.

I threw on a red shirt, black leggings, and white timberlands. Most days I looked like a mess, not that anyone noticed anyway.

 Most days I looked like a mess, not that anyone noticed anyway

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what she looks like lol^^

My backpack rested on my shoulders as I opened a granola bar and turned on my phone once again.

Grayson: hereee

I locked the door behind me, seeing that nobody was home. My feet trotted down the stairs and I skipped to the car door.

"Hello, m'lady." He says as I plop onto the hot leather seat.

"Hi Gray," I smile at him "Where's Ethan?" I shiver slightly as his name rolls off my tongue.

Although Grayson was my best friend, Ethan was a whole other story. Ethan has been bullying me for multiple years. Everyone bullies me, but Ethan always takes it a step further and physically hurts me. He always has, and I don't think he will ever stop.

Ethan usually is in the car with us, and although he doesn't speak when I get in the car, I still am curious as to where he is.

"He said he wanted to pick up his 'hot babe' and bring her to school today." Grayson says, taking his right hand off the steering wheel to do air quotes.

"Meredith." I say, rolling my eyes and sighing. Meredith was just as bad as Ethan when it came to bullying me, except she was just more of a bitch and never touched me.

Of course, Ethan and Meredith were dating.

"Why are they still together? They both fuck other people all the time." I sigh, turning to Grayson.

"You know, Madi, that's a great question. I suggest you ask him." Grayson smirks at me.

"Oh of course, if I wanted to get my head cut off." Grayson and I laugh, but it's immediately followed by an awkward silence.

When it came to Ethan bullying me, Grayson was usually there to stop it, or there to comfort me. The bad part is Ethan is in most of my classes, unlike Gray.

The car came to a stop once we reached the school and I picked my backpack off the car floor. Grayson walked around to my side of the car so we could walk into school together.

I could feel eyes burning into my back as the students stared at me. I wasn't phased by it, I'm used to it.

I can faintly see Ethan waiting at my locker, and I sigh. I knew what was to come. I feel Grayson's presence leave me as he walks to his locker.

I avoid eye contact with Ethan as I put in my locker combination. Just as I get it to open, he slams it, almost crushing my fingers.

I jump and turn to face him, my heart rate picking up.

"Hello Madi." Ethan smirks at me, almost evily saying it.

"Please don't call me that." I mumble, looking down. I always felt uncomfortable when someone other than my close friends called me by my nickname.

"What did you say?" Ethan speaks louder, grabbing my wrist. I can feel the bruises forming under his fingers due to his tight grip.

Tears brim my eyes and I can't help but look at his. Anger is shown through his entire face as he raises his hand.

I flinch, causing him to laugh. He spats in my face and walks away, pushing me to the ground as he does so. I lay there for a minute and wait for the crowd that had recently been cheering Ethan on separates.

I go back to my locker and rush to get my books. I knew I would be late.

I run into my first period art class and sit in my assigned seat, right next to Ethan.

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