meet and GREET ❁ z.h

Start from the beginning

"I better go back to the girls I'm looking after! I'll see you around!" I say, I just made a friend and I felt fantastic she was so lovely and gorgeous and this was probably better then this whole day! It was so easy and effortless unlike all my current friendships

"Look (y/n)! They just walked in!" Claire pointed excitedly to the entrance, looking up at her hand I made dead eye contact with Zach who was already staring at me he lifted his head in a quick nod gesture saying hi as he began walking over, I laughed at his cheesiness but his face fell as he was swarmed with heaps of fans crowding asking for a picture, he pulled a smaller smile on looking at me before returning his full attention into them.

"Oh my god-" Poppy's jaw dropped as I spun to where she was looking, joining her my jaw dropped, Christina was placing a kiss on the blonde, Corbyn's lips they were both smiling widely and everyone was screaming around them in excitement and the word 'goals' floating around amongst it. She laughed pulling away while he kept hugging her talking so quickly.

"I. Love. Christina." Poppy breathed out, my eyes widened as I decided to tell them that I had just befriended this girl later who I obviously didn't know enough about. She whispered into his ear, his eyes darting over at me as his lips turned up into a smirk. I tried to ignore the feeling that they were talking about me and probably my clumsiness. Luckily I was dragged away by Claire, she'd found 'Jack' and she was cuddled up to his side while I snapped pictures then Poppy swapping quickly Jack having large conversations with both. But before I knew it once again I was being shoved into the photo for the second time today by Claire, she clicked a few while I was wondering what I was meant to do with each of the pictures.

"So, you're the girl Zach hasn't-"

"JACK. You are um needed at music!" the one with amazing eyes yelled at him making Jack roll his eyes before saying a quick goodbye, and walking over to a guy with hung down hair. The cycle repeated and here I went again taking a photo with the boy called 'Daniel'

"Just ignore what Jack was saying, he's crazy" I laugh

"Okay I will..?"

"I'll see you soon!" He said walking off to another group, what? See me soon?

Dancing around, we all laughed with a couple of girls who we knew nothing about, the time was getting late and I could see tiredness dropping on Poppy's eyes but she said she wasn't finished till she got pictures with all the guys. I nodded but felt an arm snake around my waist scaring me,

"Hey!" I smile as I look into Zach's brown eyes, him staring at me.

"Hi, what's going on?"

"Not much just heaps of girls" he breathed out

"Oh don't lie you love the attention" he jabs my side making me laugh as Poppy and Claire stare in admiration. They speak up asking for a photo which I quickly manoeuvre out of his arms his face dropping while I grab the phone snapping the pictures quickly which he smiled largely for on cue.

"Come on (y/n)!" Claire said pushing me over my feet tripping a little over each other till I was basically crashing into him but he quickly placed his hands on my hips steading me


"No problem gorgeous." Blushing we hug taking heaps of photos, he then starts a full blown conversation with me following me as I follow the girls who lost interest in us quickly, I nod and smile to most of it still a little shocked he was hanging around. I took photos of the girls with Jonah while he continued until Jonah pulls me away into the picture, pointing to a few crowds of girls

"Zach you are depriving other fans" he pouts before waving at me and the girls.

"Jesus that guy is whipped, what did you do?"


"You have to be a blind mouse to see he is totally into you." I cough choking on air which Jonah laughs as Claire snaps pictures of us laughing. I shake my head, hoping I don't look like a constipated donkey in the photo

"No no no no, you guys, him, no."

I smile pretending the conversation didn't come up as I continued to be dragged by the two girls around and around, dancing, finding Corbyn and finally running back into Jack again. It was a crazy night but looking at my phone, my face went pale, 10pm that's the girls curfew. My mind starting screaming as I looked at them, Poppy was practically sleep dancing. Lacing her hand around mine and pulling Claire along who was still singing I pushed outside the door walking briskly. They both knew I was stressed, as I kept going so they both walked matching my pace, I hoped we were going the right way.

"Wait!" Whipping my head around I met his brown orbs wishing I hadn't, I didn't say goodbye for a reason.

"You didn't say goodbye!" He said pulling me into a hug and crouching down for poppy and then Claire which she happily took the offer.

"I wish that-"

"I know what you're going to say but let's be real Zach, I'm a no one, you're a someone. Go back to the party" I said kissing the side of his cheek walking away with a gobsmacked Claire and a tired Poppy out the stadium doors straight to the car. We slid in all quiet, and I placed my head on the wheel before turning on the ignition, driving out of the parking,

"I don't know whether to call you a savage or idiot"

"Thanks Claire"

"No problem, we still love you anyway" I chuckle exhausted my phone buzzing multiple times. Weird.

We reach home and the time was so late so I snuck them both back in; up the stairs, as we got to the bathroom we heard the front door open sending panic through my body so I started moving quickly, chucking Poppy literally across the room into her bed I pulled the covers over, shutting off the light, giving a kiss and whispering good night before running over into Claire's the sound of heels coming up the stairs. I look in to the large room and sigh in relief, she's done, light off, leaning into the the room I whisper goodnight which she cracks one eye open to whisper it back. They are my sisters, I will love them forever.

Stepping out I come straight bang into Mrs Bennett who is smiling

"All asleep?"

"Yep safe and sound, thank you for inviting me I had fun."

She nods saying she'll put my pay straight into my account in the morning. I pick my stuff up and swing it over my shoulder taking one step on the stairs

"Oh and (y/n) I want to talk to you about the future tomorrow night, we are moving to L.A for Dave's job so we were wondering if you take up our offer as being a full time nanny?" I smile, this would mean being full time sister. I nod getting a little excited she smiled before going to her room. Walking out of the house at the thought of freedom, Pressure lifting off my shoulders. Sliding back into the car I sigh in happiness, this had to be one of the best days of my life, not even joking. I was going to be leaving this horrible town, rejected family, terrible school. I look over to the passenger seat and pick up my phone after not checking it since we left the arena.

Christina 💕:
Whoops x

You didn't think you could
get away that easily gorgeous,
it's Zach if you couldn't tell ;)


Part 3!?

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