Chapter 14 || He is the Boss

Start from the beginning

 I hit his arm with my fist and said." You should've told me that you are going. I didn't know it would be this big. Seriously, it feels so weird  standing around these people even you." I looked at my clothes and to the people walking , sitting and standing around us.

Taehyung chuckled. " You still look more beautiful than the others. Your clothes doesn't really matter. Didn't Bomi noona told you?" He asked. I shook my head then planted my forehead on the table.

"Everyone, I believe all of you know what is the occasion today." The host started talking with a microphone in his hand. I gasped. Now that everyone sat on their seats, I noticed that everyone in the company is here. Is Mark also here? I don't even know the people we are siting with except for  Taehyung, himself.

I leaned to Taehyung then whispered." Where is the toilet?" He shrugged. I bit my lip then stood up."I think I'll just go home. Tell Bomi that I went home, already." Taehyung wanted to stop me but I walked away towards the exit. Feeling relieved, I let out a breath. 

It suddenly went into my mind that I haven't gave her the gift. So, I quickly walked back to the door but I just realized." I already gave it to her. Chorong pabo." I told myself then turned around. I screamed.

"You are here." Mark said.

I nodded.

He looked at me from toe to head and tilted his head." Why aren't you wearing know? It would have been nice to see you once in a while." Mark asked me. I was taken aback when he told me it would be nice to see me in a dress. He will tease me , surely and judge me." And, why are you outside? Got kicked out because of your clothes?"

" And you are back with your usual self." I told him then walked away. His hand grabbed my wrist , making me stop. My eyes widened at his sudden behavior and snatched my wrist away from him." W-What was it?" I asked him.

"I am sorry. I just don't feel good at the moment." He suddenly apologized to me. It was weird to see him being like this, again. I nodded." Are you not going to stay?" Mark asked while pointing at Bomi's house. 

I shook my head." I don't feel good, either. So, I am going home." I said then remembered his meeting with Mellisa . I wanted to ask him if they are dating again but who am I to ask him about his relationship with someone. He nodded then grabbed the door knob." Mar-" Before I could say anything, the door closed.


Mom told me to buy the ingredients she needed for dinner. So, I am at the store right now. "Carrots." I muttered while searching for fresh carrots. There it is. I grabbed the amount needed by my mom and placed it in the basket."Next is more vegetables."

When I was in the dairy section, I took a lot of trays of yakult. I heard two people talking behind me, It was a brief moment but I knew it was his voice. I looked around and saw a familiar figure curved to a different section."Is that Hyunjin?" I asked as I followed it.

I followed the person until I lost sight of him. A ringing of my phone made me jumped in surprise, I answered it."Eomma." She told me to be quick because we are going to have a visitor. "Okay, I'll be right there."

As soon as I arrived home, I saw an unfamiliar car outside. I went inside then shouted." Eomma! I am home." She smiled at me , then took the grocery bags from me placing it on the table. I looked around then asked." Where is the visitor you are talking about?"

"Your aunt is in the guest room."She replied. I asked her why is she here."She came to visit us , because you know ,she gets lonely sometimes. Go and help her unpack." I nodded and went to the guest room which is just beside my room. 

Aunt was sitting on the bed while taking all her clothes out from her luggage. I knocked on the door to let her know that I am here. "Chorongie!" She shouted as she stood up." Oh, look at you. You look so pretty."

I smiled at her statement." You look so pretty too, auntie." I said then glanced at her clothes." Want me to help you with that, auntie? Since, I don't have anything else to do." She shook her head and told me that my mom needs me at the kitchen."Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go on." She replied.

I went to the kitchen to see my mother cutting vegetables." Can I help you with anything, eomma?" I asked her , standing beside her.

She nodded." Why don't you cut these while I start cooking, sweetie?" Mom asked as she went to the stove. I grabbed the knife and carefully cut the vegetables to pieces. It was pretty simple so I finished it fast." Anything else, eomma?" I asked, again.

"Go sit and watch. I can do the rest on my own." Mom replied to me.

I checked on my aunt and saw that she already finished unpacking."Do you want to watch, auntie?" I asked her while standing at the door. She nodded and followed me to sit at the sofa." What channel do you want to watch?"

Aunt grabbed the remote and changed the channel to her favorite drama." You will like this, Chorongie." She told me with a smile then glanced at the kitchen."Aigoo, look at you being a mother. Do you want my help?"

"Why don't you go and find yourself a husband?" Mom said, laughing.

"I haven't found the right one for me." Aunt replied with a smirk. Mom told her that it would be better to find one now before it is too late." You sound like a mother which you are." She said to mom.

I saw the door opened." Oh, appa." I said as I helped him with his things. He chuckled then greeted aunt as he went to the kitchen to give mom a kiss on the cheek." The food is ready." Mom said as she served the food on the table. We all sat on our respective sits."

"Chanyeol isn't here, yet." Aunt said.

Mom told me." Call your brother and tell him to come home, immediately."
I nodded and went outside to call my brother. Where did he go? I thought, while waiting for him to pick up the call. He answered." Why?"

"Come here, aunt is already waiting for you." I told him. I could hear him groan at the other line. He said that he forgot about it then quickly hanged up on me." Look at him, hanging up on me."

It took him awhile to come home but they didn't mind and started eating. When I finished, a call suddenly came." Mom, I'll help you later. I'll just answer this call." I told her. She nodded. I stood infront of the door and answered the call from Bomi.

"Chorong, why did you leave?" She asked , worried. I told her the truth since I don't have a reason to lie."I could've lend you some gown if you wanted to. How about you come tonight's party? It's for my birthday but it's only me and my friends."

I looked at the time and wondered if I could go." I don't think if I could go tonight. Sorry, Bomi." I replied, laughing awkwardly. She said that I will always be welcomed to come to her house."Sure." I said, before she hanged up on me. What's with people hanging up?

"Aigoo. I think you should go." Aunt suddenly popped out of nowhere and said it to me. I laughed then shook my head." Why not? You've always locked yourself in your room before. You should go out with your friends."

"I don't really want to go, auntie." I said, laughing.

She turned around and shouted." A friend of your child just invited her to go in their house. Is it okay for her to go?" Mom looked at us then nodded." But, isn't it too late?" Mom asked her. She told her that I am old enough to go out this late.

"Go and give your sister a ride, Chanyeol." Aunt said with a smile.


Another update! How is everyone? Thank you for the reads. ✴

나는 왼쪽 결코 한 사랑 모두 내 이야기 읽기 계속. 나는 좋은 일, 오늘했다 희망을 모두가. 나는이하지만 그 어느 때 누군가가 번역 것 확인 아무도 오전 요, 난 당신을 사랑 해 요. 💕와 말하기 위해, 나는 꽤 요. 내가 joking.😂 오전

He is The Boss || MarkrongWhere stories live. Discover now