Chapter 34 *WARNING*

En başından başla

   (Y/n) looks over to me with her (e/c) eyes filled with pain and regret. She soon starts explaining what's happen between the two of them. At first her story seem hurtful, then it become more filled with love as she explains their relationship but in the end was just filled with pain as she tries her best to not cry in front of me. She was in so much pain, her story had so much meaning; especially the fact my son was the one who made her feel like this.

   "But in the end you still love him don't you" looking at to (Y/n) who said nothing, so I continued. "The whole time you were telling your story, not once has your voice showed any despise toward Cole the whole time. Even after what he did to you, you still are in love with him."

   "You know what they is blind. I can't stop myself from loving him, he may have hurt me but I still see he was only protecting himself after what happened with him and (c/g/n). In the end it wasn't anyone's fault, everything can't go perfectly well to show how strong your love is for someone" (Y/n) said with a daze look in her eye. "I guess our love wasn't strong enough to protect him, now that I'm here all I hope is that he keeps living."

   "I don't think that, knowing him he has been able to hide his true feelings to the point it would hurt him. Right now he must be in so much pain only thinking it was his fault you were killed. Which means...he does love you, if he didn't he wouldn't care. I know my son well enough to know he gets his compassion from his father, just like you are similar to me" I said pulling her into a hug. (Y/n)'s body became stiff before getting comfortable to hug me back. "Opposites attract, we both needed someone like Cole in our lives to help us through it this long. Sometimes it's someones will power to continue on..."

   As I hug her so close, I could feel the same fragile child I use to hold in my arms. She has grown so much, but she didn't deserve to live there world yet, I bet she would have done amazing things to make the world a better place. If only there was something I could do to help her get back to Assiah. Wait...what's that? Letting go of (Y/n) I walk over to a drawer that had something bright inside, opening it there was...just a flower crown?


    Looking over to see her holding a simple flower crown

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

    Looking over to see her holding a simple flower crown...why does that seem so familiar. As she was about to place it back, it hit me. I get up to grab it quickly which earn me a weird look from Aunt Cass but I didn't care. Looking over the crown there was a small charm that was hiding, it's coming back to me. Turning to her and holding the charm in my hand. 

   "C-Cole gave me this when we were kids, he gave this to me a week before your death" I said holding the crown close as if I would lose it. On the charm it said Cole x (Y/n) on it as a sign that we would be together forever. "These flowers are Forget-Me-Not which means 'bonds of loves'. He said that once we were older he would marry me and make me happy..."

   "I told you, my son still loves you no matter what age he cared so much about you. But why was it even glowing in the first place" aunty ask looking at it with wonder. She right, why did it even start glowing, there must be reason for it. In my hands it slowly begins to have a dull glow like it's losing power, think (Y/n) think. 

   For some reason I close my eyes letting the darkness consume me, what am I doing? The dull light some how reminds me of my feelings for's still there no matter what happen between the two of us, I still couldn't help but fall in love with him in the end. He was my childhood friend and best friend even before we started dating. I will love him, even if he does stupid things, I still love him no matter what. Then all of a sudden I was brought back to reality, the corn in my hand was glowing more than before and shining brighter. Was this crown somehow connected to my feelings for Cole? 


WORDS: 2000+

   Once again I left you all with a cliff hanger, you all must love me right now. Well anyways it can't be helped, this chapter was probably and somehow the most hardest chapter I've ever written. This is a topic I never talk about in any of my books because even a small hint of it, it may affect others, but not yourselves. I've warned you ahead and for those who did read the warning, thank you all for at least seeing that. 

   Anyways I hope you somehow enjoy this update, can't wait to make the next one wit more information and don't worry nothing bad will happen to the reader, the evil is finally gone, but not everything can become good again that easily. Possibly I will add some ore Cole in the next one but who knows. Comment down below your thoughts to this story and anything you would like to be explained. I know left many of you confused so comment, to get a comment back. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you guys. Until then Reader-kun...

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