Chapter 21

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    "See you believes her now?! What purpose dose (y/n) have to lie to people" Nya shouts while being mad at Jay for saying something like that to her best friend. She was going to say something else when someone places a hand on her shoulder. Looking back to glare at the person touching her to see (y/n) smiling at her to calm her down. "What are we going to do now."

    "She is after me but her master wants all of you too. We have to plan everything out or else she will get what they want" (Y/n) explain trying to come up with a plan to save her "best friend" Cole. No one knew what to do at a time like this. "I think I should turn myself in it would be better and you guys have a chance to defeat her boss and save Cole."

     "No that's a death wish (n/n)! We just got you back and...I don't want to lose you" Lloyd said. Nya just got her best friend and wouldn't want to lose her again. But at the same that is the only plan they had since no one else had one. "There must be something, anything else we can do instead of sacrificing yourself."

    "Well...just now I have a a some what plan that might be of help instead of putting (y/n)'s life on the line again" Zane suggest now everyone was listening. Once he was done explaining the agree to put it into action.


    I was having a nice dinner with (c/g/n) until everything went black and when I woke up I was in chains! Looking around I see everything dark but at the same time there was enough light in a hallway I think or something. Not only that but I hear movement like slithering or something.

    "I see you've woken up darling~ That's good I thought the poisons was too much to kill you so I got worried" (c/g/n) said coming from the shadows. What the hell is going on? Why is she here? Where the hell are we? "You sure are stupid for being the leader of the ninja. Why don't you be good boy and do as I say"

(    c/g/n) slaps tape on my mouth hard enough for it to actually hurt a lot. Then left somewhere that I can hear her talking to someone outside my prison. Look around getting use to the dark it was like a medieval dungeon. After a while (C/g/n) comes in with a camera and turns it on.

    "HELLO NINJAGO I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU....WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE" (c/g/n) said smiling at the camera but a huge creepy one.Then move the camera to look at me. "ANYWAYS (Y/n) care to join me~"


     "W-what did (y/n) do to you?!" I ask once she took off the tape from my mouth. Even if she broke my heart I want to know why she wants (y/n) of all people.

   "That bitch escape my prison for there and she knows my plan for my master to return to this world. She si a danger to us so I must eliminate her. Not only that but she was in our way from our 'relationship' so she had to go. Anyway necessary to kill her and if it mean in front of you, so be it" (c/g/n) said, my eyes go wide at the realization. "Geez both (y/n) and you are so slow in realizing things but probably the bitch is better that is stupid...I was the one who ruin your relationship and you actually were the one to think she did that."

   I can't even talk after hearing that from my so called girlfriend. She's been lying to me all this time and I believes every single one of them that came from he mouth. Not only that but I broke the wrong girl's heart and she has a always been my side and I let her go.

   "Now that this is over and down with all you have to right now is to stay quiet, look like your idiotic handsome self or bait until (y/n) comes and poof...She gets into my trap, now be a good by and be quiet for me" (c/g/n) said winking at me but I couldn't help but be disgusted by her. With her flirtatious side I finally realize its all fake to catch guys to fall for her, she is like an ugly witch. (c/g/n) puts tape on my mouth gain so I can't talk and tightens the shackles to the point when they really hurt and would probably leave a mark.

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