Chapter 20

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    "Come on I have to hurry" (y/n) said tempted to go pass the speed limit which is the RIGHT thing to do but at the same time she is in a hurry and might be in danger. You know what forget it, (y/n) thought jumping the limit. With her power of the moon she can disappear into the shadow so that she wouldn't feel guilty about is all.

    As she pass through quickly the streets her minds starts to wander to weather or not the rest of the ninja believe her or not. That day when Cole broke up with her she lost respect in the ninja and was worried they would never trust her again. But on the other hand they had to believe her because sensei even said when something happen they will always be family no matter what. (Y/n) wants to be loved again by the people who accepted her for who she really is. 

    Once the bounty was in sight and actually running distance she gets off her vehicle that transform into its original place in the sky. Then in a instant (Y/n) was full on running or sprinting as fast as possible to the bounty, her home. She cuts though an alley trying to save time getting there. As she went through the alley she was tripping and slipping but can catch herself before ever hitting the ground. But she made one small slip and all of a sudden it went dark.


    I'm getting worried really worry and none of them seem to even care, even Lloyd. It's been almost 3 months since (y/n) left the bounty and 2 months since she's been missing. The last time anyone saw her was at her aunt's funeral which was 2 weeks after she was discharge from the hospital.

   "Calm down will you Nya? Just you pacing around is bothering me" Kai complain. But I just glare at him to shut the hell up. None of them would care if (y/n) died in a ditch or what ever happened.

   "Well Kai I don't care about what you say right now. All I care about is weather or not (Y/n) is ok or not. She's been missing for almost 3 months now" I yell at him. I didn't care if I was getting looks from everyone I' taking a stand. "You guys don't care about (y/n) do you. You all think she did do it huh."

   "Of course not" Lloyd shouts now everyone looking at him while they bow their heads. They were probably ashamed about what they have done. "We all miss her but Cole...we are all worried about him. HE is back with someone that broke his heart and we all know (y/n) loved him to much to even hurt him. All of this is confusing as if someone was the cause of all of this."

    "We all would like to know who it is also" Zane adds with everyone agreeing. I was going to say something when a loud thud came from outside. We all went silent looking at each other wondering what was that just now. Well for one it can't be Cole he is 3 hours to early. Lloyd and Kai slowly get up from their seats to get to the door when the rest of us get ready to attack in case it was danger.

    Once they got to the door they quickly open it but stop from attacking. Me being curious to why they didn't attack went other to check it out. Getting closers I could see (H/c) (h/l) hair and a tattered clothes. I couldn't believe who was in front of me...

   "(y-Y/n)...its her...Quick bring her in now! Zane go get the first aid kit she seem to have injuries. Jay go get a pillow and blanks from her room or my and hurry back" I order the bothers around. Right now I need to patch up (y/n) who was knock out, probably from all the climbing she did to get up her. 

    They gave me the first aid kit and I get down to business. (y/n) had so many cuts all overt her body she I clean them up and in case bandage them up in case they open up. She had bruises everywhere and I had to play ice to cool the swelling in any way. In no time I finish and just in time for her to  wake up.

    "N-Nya is that you" (Y/n) ask and I could barely hear her but I still did which make me so happy. I hug her tightly making sure she is real and not my mind playing trick on me. I could cry, she smells like (F/s) like she always dose and it can't change since its like her natural scent. "Nya it's ok I'm real. I'm actually here, you would lose me that easily."

    "Where the hell have you been. You've been missing from almost 3 months. No one saw you since your aunt's funeral, even (c/g/n) even ask around looking for you" I explain but when I add the fact about (c/g/n) her (e/c) eyes darken.

    "Has it really been that long, I always thought it was a year. (c/g/n) kidnapped me and torture me sine then and even had a henchmen to do it too. I've tried to escape many times but she would always catch me, until now..."(y/n) explain them looking at us. "She has a plan to destroy the ninja with someone controlling her for something you guys did to him a long time ago. I came her to warn you all and I know where it is..."

    "How do we know you aren't lying to us about this" Jay ask crossing his arms in a serious manner. How could he?! Why the hell would (Y/n) lie about something like this. I was going to say something again but the TV suddenly turn on to the news.

    "HELLO NINJAGO I HAVE A SURPRSIE FOR YOU...WOULD YOU LIKE TO HERE" (c/g/n) ask from the TV. How did she...then I see Cole in chains! I look over to the brother and their eyes are wide while (Y/n) look like she was about to cry. "ANYWAYS (Y/n) care to join me~"

WORDS: 1047

    👾I've been trying to update as much as possible but its hard to because of school. But at the same time I can't make excuses for it, I've been getting lazy to update. So now I'm trying to update as an apology about making you guys wait so long for me updating. In two weeks I'll have Spring break which should be enough time for me to update as much as possible like Blue Love💙 and White Love❄️. Green Love💚 or Red Love❤️ will be updated sooner or later and the Haikyuu at the same time too.

   Anyway I hope you enjoy this new update to the story as requested as before. Comment down below your thoughts or anything you would like you say and I'll be happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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