Arjun crashed on the bed thinking where he cloud have kept the file. Taking a deep breath he commanded his mind to be calm and start again. He looked at a scattered folders and started his search again. After looking through 5-6 folders, he lifted a file and started reading it.  As his eyes scanned the words, his frowned changed into a smile and then a full fledged laughter. He recalled Nandini asking him to go through it.  It was Nandini who had financed the to rebuild the destructed Mishra market, according to the terms the borrower has agreed to repay within six months,  or lose the property. Arjun laughed, it wasn't just Radhika's family property it had Saral's too, he had the perfect weapon to chuck Saral out of the her life now. He made a mental note to thank Nandini for it.

Arjun felt energised as he stepped through the doors of bird Song. His eyes scanned the area for one face and he located her fiddling and chewing the tip of her pencil working on something. He smiled, waited for her to lifted her eyes she did and froze. Arjun smiled at her, a smiled which had affection. Radhika's heart did a somersault. Quickly keeping her things aside she walked to the terrace to get some fresh air. 

Radhika rubbed her chest to calm her heart, this was not good. She was scared of the strange thumping her heart did whenever they fell on Arjun. 'This is wrong, this has to stop.'  She commanded her heart to behave. She took deep breaths, just when she felt calm two arms encircled her from behind. Arjun pecked the side of her head, ''Don't stop this what you feel, its not wrong.''

''No, its for the wrong one.'' She replied trying to sound bitter.'' He chuckled nuzzling his face in her dark locks, ''even your voice is betraying you.. You have feelings for me , don't fight them. Just let it go. '' he whispered over her cheek. 

Radhika knew, if she couldn't stop him now it would be very late. gathering her senses she pushed him, '' This , what you are doing is wrong. And even if I have feelings for a man like you, then shame on me. ''

Arjun frowned, ''What are you going to do about your feelings?''

''I will kill them.'' With that she moved away and dialled her mother, ''Ma, I am ready to marry Saral in a month or even less.'' Radhika closed her eyes hearing her mother's excited voice. She knew, she wasn't yet ready , but it was necessary now. She disconnected and was being turned around with a jerk, ''If not me then no one.''

''What will you do Sir? If you do anything, you blow your cover and if you don't I get married and still blow your cover. This is check mate.'' Jerking her arm off his grip she walked off. Arjun stood huffing like a tiger, she was right. She just threw the ball in his court. He had to chose, her or his revenge. He shook his head, he couldn't just can't let go her or his revenge. But for now, he had to stop her from getting married. ''You will regret your move Radhika.''


''Sam, we should now finalize the date for your engagement with Arjun.'' Piyali said sipping her evening coffee. Sam had come down to meet Jai, she shifted a little hearing her mother's words. Jai noticed, he cleared his throat and said in a broken voice, ''Mom...water.'' Piyali , concerned she forgot to call maid and ran to get her son water.

'' not...right for you.'' He said squeezing her sister's hand.

''Why do you say so?'' She asked bewildered. It was difficult for Jai to converse for long. He gestured her to keep her hand over her heart and close her eyes. She did as he said , all she saw was a familiar dimpled smile of Neil. His efforts to make her smile, his undying support . She thought of true love and saw him smiling at her, heard him confessing his heart. Sam's eyes flew open and met with her brother's. He smiled and said, ''Neil!''

Sam jerked up, ''I am getting late, will come tomorrow. She pecked her brother's forehead running away.''

Stepping out of her parents house she dialled Arjun, he answered in 2 rings.  ''Hey Sam, so finally you got time for your boyfriend.''

The word boyfriend suddenly felt alien to her ears. She took a deep breath, ''Arjun, I am yet not ready to take the plunge. I need time, I can't engaged to you right now. I am sorry.'' Before he could question her , She disconnected switching her phone off.  She was so confused and disturbed that she wasn't sure what reason should she give to Arjun. he banged his phone down, suddenly the wheel of fortune had turned away from him. Everything which seemed to be going fine was now falling apart. Radhika had succeed in bringing Neil and Sam close. He kicked the chair hard, he already had the issue of Radhika's wedding and now he had to deal with Sam. Only if he could find the papers and get them signed, all would fall into place just like he wanted.

Nandini looked at the file and started tearing the pages one my one, offering them to the fire. She had known of Arjun's  plan and wanted to stop him. She got her chance when Arjun left for Goa. She threatened his lawyer of dire consequences and the latter spilled the beans scared for his career. ''I won't let you take a wrong path Arjun. Not till I am alive.


Sam drove straight to Neil house, she had a sudden urge to see him. Parking her car she ran inside frantically searching for him, ''Sam, what are you doing here?'' Prerna asked walking down the stairs.

''I am here to see Neil.''

''You must have met him in office today. What's the urgency you want to see him again.'' She asked her gaze fixed on Sam.

''Its important, I will meet him in his room.'' With that she fled, not ready to answer Prerna. For some reason she the gaze of elder lady quite accusing. Prerna smiled , she knew Sam was about to get a shock. Sam entered the room with a big smiled, but she didn't find Neil. But what she saw , froze her with shock. The wall which was once full of her pictures was now empty, instead it just  had a wall size picture of him performing in latest contest. Her eyes went to the side table, it always had the show piece she gave him as a gift. It too was gone. ''he is moving forward Sam.''

Prerna's voice made her turn, she stared at Prerna with tear laden eyes. Prerna took a step to Sam, '' Sam, I have a request. Neil is moving forward and I don't want you to drag him back. After long my son has finally decided to live his life and I won't let anyone hinder that. It would be good if you marry Arjun and go far.''

Sam felt like breaking down, only she could comprehend the loss she felt right now. She looked at Prerna with pleading eyes , the elder lady stood unaffected, ''Sam, if you ever had little respect for my son's goodness. Don't ever try to enter his life and emotions again.'' Sam stepped back. With heavy steps and broken heart she descended the stairs moving out of the house. She just wanted to get swallowed by the earth for now. The pain seemed to have made its way to her veins, she knew it was difficult to get what she wanted.


Next - Sam's journey begins to win Neil. Radhika leaves for Hrishikesh. Arjun breaks her engagement.

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