"Hopefully now you understand my hesitation on this whole Troy being your mate thing. I've already lost one son, I will not lose another. It would kill his mother and me both to lose Troy." He walked back to his desk and sat down. I sat there silently, I didn't know what to say or think. "Not to mention Troy is next in line for the throne, the only one in line for the throne. He will need a queen, and forgive me when I say this, but a wolf is not an ideal mate for a mer King for obvious reasons."

"So what are you saying?" I asked. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like his answer.

"I need you to reject my son. I know you only have a year to mark or reject him before you will die, and there are no clear answers here. I don't know how it will affect the pull he has towards you but I do know it will help you keep your distance from him so that he can take his rightful place as King. And you will be free to find an Alpha mate that will please your father. Troy is a mer, there is no way he could be an Alpha, he is meant to be King. I will give you a week together before you need to reject him, I'm not completely heartless." He smiled as he leaned forward and picked up some papers from his desk reading them as if our conversation was over.

"No." I'm not sure if it was me or Nan that growled out that answer but I agreed.

"I beg your pardon?" The king looked up from his papers shocked that I would disobey his orders.

"I will not reject your son." I said sitting up straighter. "With all due respect you are not my King and I do not answer to you. I do understand what is at stake here, there's a lot at stake for both of us! But I will not reject him without even trying to find answers, or without trying to find a way for this to work for us both. I love your son and I will fight for him. I will fight for us." I stood up and walked to the door. I stopped when I reached to the door and looked over my shoulder at a dumb founded King. "I know you don't want to lose Troy, and I would never take him away from you. But have you ever thought what tearing us apart might do to him? Do to me? I can't speak for him but I know that it would kill me to not have him in my life. I don't want to lose him either." With that I stepped out the door and shut it behind me. Troy and I needed to find answers, and find them quick.

As I stepped out of his father's office I looked around for Troy, I didn't see him in the hallway but I could hear and his mother's voice coming from the back of the house. I made my way towards their voices but stopped when I heard my name mentioned, I crept to the corner so I could listen.

"Annie is beautiful Troy, she has such a sweet nature about her." His mom said.

"I know, I can't believe I got so lucky." Troy responded. "She's so perfect mom, she would make an amazing Queen." Me, a queen? How would a wolf rule a group of people that lived in the sea?

"She would, but Troy she's meant to be Luna of her pack. She's been raised from day one to take over and she will need an Alpha to do that." His mom said gently. I could tell she wasn't trying to talk Troy out of us being together but she was trying to get him to think this thru.

"I know mom, but I love her. I know it's only been a day, but I can't help the way I feel. I think her mate bond with me is making the pull even stronger. When I touch her it's like my body comes alive with electricity, and when I see her? It's like the whole world just instantly lights up. I feel like I need her to breath, I need her to live." I couldn't help but smile and tear up a little at what he said.

"If that's really how you feel then we will do what we can to find answers." His mom said and I could hear her kiss him on the cheek. I figured I better make my presence known before I was caught eves dropping. I walked around the corner to see Troy and his mom sitting at a kitchen island, as soon as he saw me he got up and wrapped me in a hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Giving him a small smile, I wasn't fine but I didn't want to break down in front of his mom.

"Ready to go?" I gave him a small nod then looked to his mom.

"Thank you for having me." I told her giving her the best smile I could.

She got up from her spot at the Island and came to give me a hug. "You are welcome here any time dear. Oh," She picked up a small baggie from the counter and handed it to me. "Here are some fresh chocolate chip cookies for the road. Scratch that, don't open them in front of him or you won't get any." She said nodding her head in Troy's direction.

"It's true, mom makes the best cookies. Maybe I should try one just to make sure they taste okay." He said reaching for the baggie. I yanked them out of his grasp and gave him a small growl making him back up and widen his eyes. No one took cookies from me, mate or not!

"Oh, I love this girl." His mom laughed as she patted her son on the shoulder. "Finally someone who will keep you in line."

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