A Touch of Your Love

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° (Y/N) POV°

Months had passed, my belly grew bigger and bigger, and it was finally the big day for our wedding.

Delirious wanted to draw on my belly for some reason, but I didn't really care. So the day before the wedding, he had bought cheap henna ink and wrote a message on my belly.

I looked down at the writing, and immediately bursted into laughter.

"Delirious!" I wipe a tear from my eye and hold the top of my belly, laughing harder as I kept looking at the message on my belly.

He suddenly gets on his knees and throws his hands up in hysteria.

"GIVE BIRTH!!!" He yells, and I nearly fall over from laughing.

"You seriously wrote that on my belly?!" I wheeze, and he laughs with me, finally wiping off the crusted ink and kissing my belly.

Now was the day, and Delirious and I had agreed on a simple baby blue dress with enough space for my large belly and swollen breasts.

Delirious had picked white dress pants, a white button up and baby blue vest.

Everything was simple and unbelievably beautiful all at once, and Moo adjusted my flower crown.

"You look so beautiful." He sniffled slightly, and I giggle, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you. Now come on, its sunset and I'm pretty sure the baby is more impatient than me at this point." I rub my belly, and feel my baby press into my hand.

"He's gonna be such a beautiful baby." He murmurs, pressing his fingertips to my belly, and my baby pushes into Moo's touch.

I smile and Moo wipes his eyes, taking a deep breathe and holding out his arm for me to take.

As we walk through the sand on the beach, and soon down the aisle, catching glimpses of all our friends and their partners.

"I love you." Brock whispers, kissing my forehead as he hands me off to Delirious.

"I love you too Moo."

I finally stand in front of Jon, the sun setting in the, and the sounds of the waves and birds chirping greets me.

I finally catch site of who's the priest, and I giggle, my eye wide.

"Since when were you qualified to do this?!" I whisper to CaRtOoNz, and he shrugs, smiling like an idiot.

"I know a guy, too." He winks, and Delirious and I laugh.

As we proceed to say our vows, we finally slip on our rings and after Delirious kisses me, he leans down to kiss my enormous belly, making me giggle, holding back tears.

"I love you both with all my heart." He presses his forhead to mine, and shoves his warm passionate thoughts to my mind, making my baby seem to dance around my belly.

I giggle again and return my loving thoughts to him, making him smile softly.

Once the cheering dies down, I take Jons hand and I speak out to everyone.

"I have finally decided on a name for our son, with the help of my new husband." I smile at Delirious and he nods in approval.

"We would like to welcome in one more week, Dominic Brock Dennis." Jon squeezes my hand and I smile widely, kissing his fingers as everyone cheers and starts to come closer to me.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, shooting right through to my back and I gasp, clenching my stomach.

" (y/n)!" I hear Brock and Delirious yell, catching me before I can double over into the ground.

"Ah!--its okay... I-I'm just h-having contractions, I-I--Ah!!" I begin to slip in and out if consciousness, and I hear people scrambling and snippets of panic reach my ears.

"Hurry!--an ambulance!--contractions are-- water broke!--be today!" I think it was Brock saying that, but soon I'm waking up in a hospital gown, doctors crowding me and suddenly I feel my panic rise.

"W-What? Wait! W-Where's Jon?! B-Brock! Ahh!" I cry in pain and the nurse insists I stay calm and push.

"Ah! I-I can't! Ahh! I NEED MY HUSBAND!!" I scream, feeling as though I'm being torn apart, and one of the nurses run out of the room.

Tears run down my face and I try my best to clear my mind.

" (y/n)! Baby I'm here!" Delirious cones running into the room and he stands between my legs, wearing gloves, a sterile paper gown and a mask.

"J-Jon! Ahh! I-It hurts!" I cry, and Delirious carresses one hand on my inner thigh, trying to comfort me.

"I know it hurts baby, but I'm need you to focus. Listen to my voice, breathe and clear your mind baby." He speaks with as much ease as possible, and I do what he says, breathing and attempting to embrace each wave of pain in order to regain my equilibrium.

With one last push, all is quiet, and before I question, I hear the voice sound of my son crying.

In that moment, I knew that even through the throbbing pain and the exhaustion, I couldn't be happier, and I look forward to see Jon holding our son, tears running down his cheeks as he adjusts the blanket around him and he brings Dominic over to me, laying him in my arms and kissing my forehead.

I feel my pain disappear and I stare at my baby, he had the same (h/c) as I did, and he was so tiny, just like me when I was first born.

Delirious strokes Dominic's head and kisses me gently, gazing into my eyes.

"You did it."


After a couple days, we were finally able to take Dominic home, and I was able to move a bit more. When we actually got home and settled in, Brock and Delirious wouldn't let me out of bed or off the couch.

"I'm gonna end up fat for this!" I whine, pouting and caressing Dominic's head.

"Don't worry baby, remember the strict diet you have to follow anyways?" Delirious raises a teasing eyebrow, and I bite my lip.

"Only plant based food..." I pout even further and Jon chuckles, kissing my forehead, then Dominic's.

"Its not my fault I lost a lot of blood." I mutter, kissing my babys nose, and Brock chuckles from the kitchen.

Suddenly, Dominic stirs, and I expect him to cry, but instead, he opens his eyes for the first time.

"Jon! Brock! Look! He opened his eyes! Oh look his beautiful blue eyes!" I smile at Dominic, and he stares at me curiously.

Jon and Brock rush over and Delirious's crystal blue eyes light up.

"Woah! He has my eyes! I thought he would have your eyes! I mean he's already got your hair." He chuckles, and stares fondly at our son.

"Alright, your soups done (y/n), and the guys are coming over to help with everything for awhile." Brock calls from the kitchen and I yell an "okay" from the couch, offering Delirious to hold the baby.

"Here, I think he would like to officially see his dad." I smile widely and Jon returns it, eagerly taking Dominic into his arms.

Soon, the guys make it to the house, swooning and cooeing at Dominic, and bearing extra gifts from the wedding.

I stare around the room, smiling and I lay my head on Delirious's shoulder, watching as he plays with the baby.

Suddenly he looks down at me and smiles softly, kissing my head.

"I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too, Delirious."

                            The End

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now