She Doesn't Take It Slow

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° (Y/N) POV°

After the show, I saw something in Delirious's eyes, a gleam of mischief, and the lights went out.

Screams and fumbling were heard, and I discreetly made my way off the stage, trying to focus on Jons energy.

Suddenly, dim emergency lights went on and the room glowed a golden hue, showing half the audience dead along with all the security guards. I saw Delirious with his jacket missing, his button up torn slightly and a small blood streak on the edge of his mouth, his hair a mess.

"Lets go." He held his hand out to me and I ran to him, but before I could reach him, the man with the milk bag mask barged through the double doors behind the stage, along with ten more guards.

"Get her!" He pointed at me and Delirious pulled me behind him.

"No! I can do this. I'm not going to be weak again." I stepped in front of him and he started at me, but didn't protest.

"Be careful (y/n)." He looked at me fondly and I nodded, turning to see the men running towards me.

Clear your mind...


Do it for him.


I felt the cold rush, my body going numb and I felt time slow down.

Three men came first, and I jumped high enough to press my hands to one guards shoulders, flipping over him completely and sneaking one hand down to snatching his gun while in midair.

I didn't hesitate to shoot all three, my movements quickening with every breath, and the milk bag man tightens his fists.

Two men run after me and separate, a third running to me head on.



They attempt to close in and I slip down low, swinging my leg full circle and knocking them to the ground, shooting them too and flipping backwards to dodge the incoming bullets from the last four gaurds.

My turn.


A heavier heated rush floods my bloodstream and I feel my body grow lighter.

One guard runs my way and throws a punch, but I use his inertia to step aside and grab his arm, elbowing him in the back of the neck, feeling and crack and using his body as a shield as I shoot the next two guards.

One more...

Don't stop...

Let go.


I drown out the sounds of the club, and as the last man comes towards me, he tries to swipe at me with a knife. I rest my hands on his outstretched arm and use it as leverage, pulling myself up and swiftly swinging both legs around his neck, discreetly snatching the knife and shove it into his bald head.

"Are you fucking serious!!!" The milk bag man points a sawed double barrel shotgun at me, and I take the knife from the bald guards head, throwing it and landing it into his left shoulder.

I just missed his heart...

He yells out and misfires into the ceiling, some light debris falling on top of him and knocking him off balance.

I walk to him as he struggles to recollect himself from the broken chunks of ceiling, and before he can aim his gun again, I kick his leg, knocking him down again and kicking his gun out and away from his hands.

Finish this.


I snatch the knife mercilessly from his shoulder and he cries out, holding his shoulder.

"R-Remember p-princess--he's always w-watching..." He chuckles weakly, and my blood boils.

"Fuck you." I sink the knife into his heart, and he stills instantly.

I stand and take a deep breath, and feel a large hand on my shoulder, before I can react, Delirious speaks up.

"Calm down baby girl, its me." He pants, and I see his leather gloves slightly torn.

"Lets go." He grabs my hand and we run out of the club, hearing police sirens in the distance, and once we reach my bike parked around the corner, I stop, and Delirious gives me a strange look.

"What? What is it?" He furrows his eyebrows, and I reach for my neck.

As I touch the golden collar, the electric lock beeps, at first I flinch, but the little light slowly fades off, unlatching the metal from my neck and dropping to the floor.

"Okay, lets go."

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें