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°Delirious POV°

"Later, angel." I smirk hungrily at her, but her solid expression never falters under my tempting gaze.

She's good...

As she walks gracefully to my door, she opens it and takes one last look back at me before going on her scheduled lunch break.
She peeks from behind the soft wispy hairs that stray from her (h/c) ponytail and I catch something in her eyes.

I wink at her, and lick my lips again and she finally shuts the door.

She's really good.

Now how am I gonna seduce her.

° (Y/N) POV°

As I head out to lunch, I find it difficult to not dwell on the way he licks his lips at me.

He's definately trying to seduce me.

At this point I must have my full guard up, even if the only way to ever catch my attention is to not try the way he is. I find his sexual gestures quite intimidating, but I wont swoon over this madman.

For my sanity versus his, I wont give in.


I gaze at the clock quickly and realize its time to go back.

Back to him.

I remember to keep a straight face as much as possible and finally get to his door again.

The guard nods and opens the door for me, and as I approach his actual door, I hear the humming again.

Its a completely different tune, but its still familiar to me for some reason.

He has a nice voice...

As soon as I my hand on the doorknob, he stops.

"Welcome back kitten..." He purrs, and I fight the chill that wants to roll down my spine.

I walk in and shut the door, locking it and sitting once more on my side of the small desk. The smell of blood fills my nose again and I catch sight of Jon laying on his bed as before.

He gets up without looking at me,and walks slowly to his chair, sitting so quietly I that I question of I still had my earbuds in.

He brings his forearms to rest on the desk and he finally lifts his eyes to connect with mine, his head still facing slightly downward, causing intimidating shadows to cast over just the right features.

I can't fight it, I smile innocently and tilt my head to the side, mirroring his folded hands on the desk.

"Not much of a talker, huh princess?" I murmur seductively, carelessly tossing his words back at him, and his eyes widen for a split second before another evil face-splitting grin covers his perfect face.

"Touchè beautiful. Touchè." He chuckles before mischief gleams and dances in his ocean blue eyes.

"How was lunch?" He asks casually, and I take note of his even, soft tone.

"It was..." I lick my lips, mocking his sensual gestures, "Delicious." I smirk and raise a suggestive eyebrow leaning closer.

His eyes glide over me quickly before meeting my guarded gaze, and he bite his lip.

"Knee-length fitted dress, carefully covered by a larger select nurses coat, and one that's only an option to wear. You take self-respect into high consideration, but also never forget to stay classy. No makeup besides a most likely seldom worn mascara and some lightly flavored fruity chapstick. One that smells sweet and subtle like the perfume you barely bother to use since the smell of soap seems to radiate off your naturally glowing, and sweet scented skin. All natural, including your (h/c) hair that's kept in a soft low ponytail letting any wisping hairs lay softly around your young looking face. No overwhelming jewelry, studs are enough for you, because you don't like to stand out. You don't want to fit in, neither do you feel the need to stand out. Your content with who you are because you honestly couldn't give a fuck about anyone elses opinion besides the very few who truely matter to you. And if you could say anything to anyone, it would be to never fuck with you. " He grins devilishly at my widened eyes and raises an eyebrow.

He just read me like an open fucking book with nice illustrations on each page...
And it was the most thrilling feeling ever.

Suddenly, I giggle, and my giggle turns into an uncontrollable, and quite infectious laugh. One that's hysterical and psychotic all in one, and Jon throws his hands in the air, howling to the ceiling.

"FINALLY! You fucks give me something worth my time!" He laughs out loud with me and once we calm, he leans close again, as I wipe a tear from my eye and collect my breath.

"Oh baby I'm never getting a new nurse for the rest of my life." He cooes, the lust practically radiating off if him.

The involuntary adrenaline rush dies down, and I fold my hands on the desk again, leaning in close.

"Well done Jonathan, impressive. But that doesn't give you any freebees. You're gonna work for every good report, unless you like the cold stiff air, musty bed and redundant shitty meals." I state, my tone hardening again.

He raises a surprised eyebrow and smiles again.

"Well, if it means seeing you all day everyday--"

"It won't." I cut him off, crossing my arms and leaning back.

"Oh? And whys that princess?" His look darkens and his face grows smug as if he know everything about the system here.

"If you intentionally make no progress I can request a replacement til further notice of your behavior." Now its my turn to smirk, and I cross my legs. "No progress, no 'princess'." I smile innocently and he pauses, as if he didn't expect me to actually read the guidelines of assigned patients.

"Well then I guess I'll have to keep you here, all to myself." His eyes darken and he stands slowly, making his way towards me. I hear the chain dragging against the stone cold floor and he looks down at it.

I cant help but giggle at his helplessness, and he turns his icey gaze to me.

"You think you have all this control, don't you angel? You think I won't do what it takes to get what I want?" He leans his hands in the desk again, still standing and his shoulder tattoos dance as his muscles flex to hold his weight.

"I always get what I want." He growls, staring intently into my eyes as I rise and keep steady eye contact, standing my ground.
Even so, he towers over me by almost a foot, and this makes him smirk.

"You sound like a brat to me." I state bluntly, returning his icey glare.

"No ones ever had the balls to call me that." He licks his lips and his cold eyes glide over my body.

"Do I look like any of these pushovers here?" I raise an annoyed eyebrow.
He scoffs

"You better watch that little attitude of yours baby girl," he bites his lips before barely murmuring, "Before I fuck it out of you."

My heart skips and I curse my womanly instincts.

"You better watch your mouth Jonathan, before put a bullet through it." I spit back.

His eyes light up and I see a dangerous fire burning in his gaze.

"Be careful what you wish for, (y/n)." The way my name rolls off his tongue sounds too sweet, too gentle, and I get a headache.

"It wasn't a wish." I gather my notes and files and hold them to my chest before swiftly turning and walking to his door, opening it and looking back at his hungry cold glare before smirking.

"It was a promise."

With that I close his door behind me and walk down the hall, hearing his insane laugh soon fade before I exit through the second door and nod at the gaurd.

Soon I'll have to go back to make him take his medicine.

Lucky me.

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now