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° (Y/N) POV°

I get out of my car and head toward the huge white building. The doors are large and made of three inch thick steel, and the only way in or out, was by someone else pressing a hidden button on the inside.

As I approach the doors, I hear static and a soft voice comes through.

"Ms. (L/n)?"


"Good, come on in!"

The doors buzz and a beep comes from the other side, signalling the door has been unlocked.

Before I can attempt to open it myself a large gaurd opens it for me, and steps aside to let me in.

"Thank you." I smile politely.

Time to put your game face on.

I walk up the the main desk and a young blonde woman sits at her computer, looking bored out of her mind.

"Excuse me? I'm (y/n), and I'm here to start my first day." I state bluntly.

She looks at me quickly and blinks at me as if I've lost my mind.

"Really? You're (y/n)? Jesus I feel awful." She grimaces and hands me and ID and tablet with numbers to clock in so that I'm in the system.

I stare unfazed by her strange yet annoying comment and don't bother to say thank you.

"Lauren will show you around. Oh, and your patient will display on the tablets screen in a minute, along with their file."

"Ok." I half smile and a woman gently touches my shoulder, and I turn to see a woman with dark hair and warm eyes. Her name tag says Lauren.

"Hi! You must be (y/n)!" She beams.

"Oh, yeah! Obviously you must be Lauren." I smile, and she giggles, nodding her head.

A small ding comes from my tablet and my eyes snap to the screen.

"Oh, that must be your patient, c'mon, you can read his file while I walk you to his room. Don't worry, I'll walk slow of you need." Her eyes seem gloomy and I keep my suspicion off my face.


"Well, read your patients name..."

I turn towards the screen again and a young man in a cracked hockey mask shows on the top left of the file, his name right under the picture.

"Jonathan Dennis... otherwise known as...'Delirious' ?" I read aloud, pausing to say his nickname.


"Yeah, he's uh... he's deadly." Lauren casts her eyes down sadly to the floor and I wonder if I should even ask.

But she speaks again.

"He traumatized his previous nurse... and killed the one before her... and... and drove the one before her insane..." Her voice begins to shake as tears clearly threaten.

Really interesting...

"Hey... its alright, you don't need to come with me. I have the room number on my screen...its ok." I give her a half smile while I'm still somewhat distracted by the ice blue eyes behind the hockey mask.

I don't have enough time to even skim through his file being that we were approaching his door, two guards standing tall and alert. They nod their heads in acknowledgement as I pass and wave a quick goodbye to Lauren.

The metal door is opened and reveals a small hallway with another thicker door at the end.

His actual door.

Behind it, I can hear faint humming.
And its a familiar tune.

As I put my hand on the door knob, it clicks and the humming stops.
The moment seems like an eternity.

"I smell something... sweet." He murmurs evilly.

I remember to close his file so he doesn't notice and try to banter me about it, and I open the door, walking to the old small desk with two chairs. One on each side.

I sit on my end, and catch the smell of blood.

I finally notice in a dark corner, is his bed, and he lays on his back, one hand behind his head while the other traces blood stains on the wall next to him.

He stop and look straight up, not even looking near me.

"You smell..." he pauses and turns his head to finally look directly at me, "Delicious." He smiles devilishly, and licks his lips.
He is absolutely gorgeous.
His sharp jawline, the tattoos on his neck, shoulders, and arms were covering buff muscle and loud scars that scatter his body. I see the tattoos disappear beneath his white tank top. His hair is dark, tussled and swept more to one side and his eyes are the most bright blue I've ever seen.

I keep a straight emotionless face and cross my legs, folding my hands together and patiently wait for him to come to his seat.

"Not much of a talker, huh princess?" He raises a suggestive eyebrow. After still ignoring his senseless chatter, he sits up and his eyes darken with annoyance. He rises and stalks toward his chair, gracefully pulling it out and sitting quietly. But he scoots the chair closer to the already small desk, and lean even closer towards me, mirroring my crossed hands. I catch his smirk.

"Good morning Jonathen." I start, and his gaze quickly shifts to rage and panic, his blue eyes practically glowing.

"Don't call me that." He growls, and his tone almost sends chills through me.

I couldn't hold back my smirk.
Looks like I found a weak spot.

"That's your name, isn't it? Or do you really believe I'm going to fulfill your sick desire to have people fear you as some psychotic demon?" I smirk again and raise a brave eyebrow.

At first it seems as though he would pounce on me any minute, but his rage slowly shifts, and he smiles darkly.
He chuckles... which turns into a laugh. One of the most psychotic laughs I've ever heard.


"Oh baby, I AM a demon." His eyes are wide with bloodlust and sexual tension.

My expression doesn't falter, but he rises from the chair and stalks toward me.

Before I can do anything, he's stopped by a large chain around his ankle.

How had I not noticed that before?...

He looks down at the chain and looks back up at me. He knows he wont be able to reach me if he tried.

"Looks like the dogs still chained up. You're safe for now kitten, but oh when this chain comes off," He licks his lips, "The things I'm going to do to you..." He murmurs hungrily.

I simply stand and stare him straight I his chaotic eyes.

"Goodbye Jon." I state, a slight hint of chaste in my voice to show I do bite back.

He rests his hands on the desk, still standing and his shoulder muscles flex and shift, making his tattoos seem to move.
He smirks deviously, and when he speaks, his voice is dripping with the most sinful desires.

"Later, angel."

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now