I Thank You

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°Delirious POV°

I woke up then next morning bright and early.

I looked over at the snoring princess next to me and smile, gently kissing her temple and creeping off the bed.

I tiptoe to the bathroom, brushing and fixing my hair, creeping to the closet to get dressed and finally leave the room, closing the door and stepping quietly downstairs.

Ever since asking Brock for his blessing last week, he's been helping me prepare for the proposal. He even helped me pick a ring for her.

It was shaped like a crescent moon, and it was a rare blue diamond.

Of course, CaRtOoNz and I, Brock, and even some of his friends chipped in to make it happen.

"Psst!" Lui whispers out to me from the back door, and I tiptoe over to him.

"Everythings ready! We just need to get in position!" He whispers excitedly, and I chuckle quietly.

"You all got the white roses?"

Lui pulls the rose from behind his back and smiles from ear to ear.

I smile widely back and rush upstairs, letting Lui get everyone to their positions.

I barge through the door and the sudden noise makes (y/n) jump awake, staring at me wide eyed.

"D-Delirious? What happened?!" She climbs out of bed and I chuckle when she tries to straighten out her wild hair.

"Come on, I wanna give you something..." I remember to keep my mind blank and she raises an eyebrow, tilting her head like a curious puppy and I chuckle again.

She shrugs and puts on jean shorts and one of my white large long sleeve shirts.

"Let me brush first, I'll be down soon." She rushes to the bathroom and I smirk, dashing down the stairs and rushing to the back yard to get everything ready.

I almost forget not to gawk at the amazing job the guys did.

White lights hung above everywhere, matching perfectly with the bright golden sunlight. White thin sheets draped along the trees and made it seem like a giant canopy.

I seen the guys quickly hide in their places, flashing their white roses to me and I nod, walking to the end of a path of red and pink rose petals and squeeze the ringbox in my pocket.

After a painful five minutes, (y/n) scurries out the backyard, her hair in a quick messy bun and she freezes at the sight.

"J-Jon-" She gazes around, and as she turns, one at a time the guys walk behind her and hand her a rose, then continuing to form a line on each side of her, making a path that leads to me.

The last one to hand her a rose was Brock, and he smiles, his nose and cheeks dusted pink and he quickly finishes the two lines.

(Y/n) walks slowly with the now bouquet of white roses in her hands, and smiles at each friend who either offers an enthusiastic thumbs up or a dopey smile.

She finally makes it to me, and as if she wasn't teary eyed enough, I let my mental barriers fall, staring straight into her eyes and watching as she feels every adventure we've been through, every feeling we've ever felt with eachother, and the seemingly endless run around to get this done.

She chokes out a giggle at the last image of Lui's enthusiastic chuckle when he went to hide, and I let the memories stop playing.

"(y/n), I'm pretty sure there's nothing to really say that I haven't said to you before, but I just want you to know one thing forever. YOU changed my life. YOU made me feel for the first time in my life. And it will always be YOU that I will spend every crazy ass day with for the rest of my delirious life..." I finally get on one knee, and she gasps, the tears falling faster from her cheeks and she covers her face.

"(F/n) (L/n), Will you marry m-" Before I can even finish, she squeaks out a yes and tackles me to the ground, drowning me in kisses and I laugh as the guys all cheer and throw their hands up in triumph.

I finally rise and I put the ring on her finger, holding her close and laughing as she attempts to stop crying.

As the guys rush over to hug and congratulate us, (y/n) suddenly holds her hand up and we all pause.

"Guys... well, mostly Jon... I have something important I actually wanted to tell you..." She takes a deep breath, and smiles from ear to ear.

What she says after that, makes time seem to stop, and I never thought I would feel the way I do now, but I knew from this day on, that nothing would ever matter more than her. More than this moment right now.
The guys cheer loudly and I feel tears spring to my eyes.

I couldn't believe it...
I couldn't be happier...
And I will NEVER forget the day (y/n) spoke the most beautiful words I'd ever heard...

"I'm pregnant."

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now