Broken Reality (short teaser)

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° (Y/N) POV°

After I climbed onto the bike, a man with a beard and bullet proof vest came jogging up to Delirious.

"Dude, you guys gotta get outta here!" Suddenly, he quickly ducked into an alleyway and Delirious started up the bike, skidding against the pavement as he flew down the street and onto the highway.

"Who was he?!" I shout above the engine and street noise.

"That guy I knew!" He shouts back, and I giggle.

After we pass the highway and get to smaller streets, I suddenly hear a sharp ringing in my ears and an intense mental shove.

I scream and Delirious looks back at me, immediately stopping the bike and pulling into an alleyway.

I stumble off of the bike and fall onto my knees, kneeling weakly while holding myself up with one trembling hand, my other pressed to my pounding head.

Ÿøû thøüght ÿőū çøûłđ jüšt rûn åwåÿ...


Ÿøürę ńøt gøįńg ÅŃŸWHĘRĔ.

"NO! Get the fuck out of my head!" I cry out, my heart rate spiking.

Çømę hømė prįńçëšš... ør Bröçk đįĕš.

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now