My Ghost...

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°Delirious POV °

After what had happened at the club, I didn't know what really went wrong when (y/n) wouldn't wake up...

I mean, I'm obviously not the most aware of her situation or her gift for that matter, but I just wanted her to wake up. It had been a couple days until her brother took her to the hospital.

Now, its been two weeks since she was checked in, and I can't sleep. Hell, I can't eat, think, or even bother to talk to my own best friend.

I walk around my dark house, not wanting to turn on the lights, and grab a beer, wandering to my glass back door and staring out into the raging storm outside.

It hasn't stopped fucking raining since she was checked in either.

I take a long sip and rest my warm hand on the cold glass, my heart aching.

" (y/n), where'd you go..."

°(Y/N) POV°


Please! Where am I?! Can anyone hear me?!

I wanna go back home...


Then return home.

My eyes snap up and search the dark abyss I've been stuck in for god knows how long.

W-Who's there?!

Please I need your help!

No you don't.
I taught you better than that...

The voice is soft, delicate almost, and I see a glow in the distance.

W-Wait! Who are you! What is that!

Remember what I said.
You create your own reality.
You must return home now.

B-But who are you! How do you know I'm here!

Because I've always been here...
You keep me here.

Suddenly, images flash around the darkness, and I see her...
My great grandma...

They weren't just images... they were memories.


You've been trapped in your own mind all this time sweetheart, just breathe, and let go.

The light grows brighter, and before I get any closer, I have the urge to look back.

And I see her.


There she is, still small and fragile and strong all at once, her arms open to me.

I run to her, and throw myself into her embrace.

I'm at a loss for words, but she pushes my towards the glowing light.

To must return home now.

B-But, what about you?

She smiles at me, tucking a hair behind my ear before turning me around to face the light, and before she pushes me through, I will never forget her words...

You keep me here.

°Delirious POV°

Just as I'm at my third beer, I get a call from CaRtOoNz.

I stare at my phone, pondering the thought of answering, but my finger moves on its own and I put the phone to my ear.

"CaRtOoNz, I've told you already, I don't wanna go out-"

"She's awake!"

My heart stops, and sprint out the door, tossing th beer aside and hopping on her motorcycle, pulling the keys shakily from my pocket and starting the engine.

I'm coming baby...

° (Y/N) POV°

My eyes snap open and I instantly here a heart monitor to my left, the beeping spiking, and slowly receding back to a normal pace.

I lay in my bed stiffly, and for some reason I felt held down.

I hear snoring to my right and I see large arms around me.

"Brock?..." I murmur tiredly, and I see him stir, his eyes fluttering open and he groans.
He sees me and freezes, his eye widening, and he immediately squeezes me.

" (y/n) you're awake!" He kisses my forehead over and over, and I hear his quiet sobs.

"I thought I lost you..." He sniffles, and I giggle.

"Brock, I c-cant breathe." I squeak, and he releases me, sitting up and holding both my hands in his.

"How do you feel? Are you in pain? Are you hungry? Did you see Jesus?!" He babbles, and I laugh, putting my hands over his mouth.

"I'm fine Moo!" I giggle, and he takes my hands off his mouth, bringing me to sit upright and holding me again.

"I love you." He sniffles and presses his face into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair, cooeing him.

"I love you too."

°Delirious POV°

I finally get to the hospital, and I see CaRtOoNz at the entrance, running his hands nervously through his hair. He sees me and he instantly waves me over to the entrance.

We get to the front desk and I don't bother to fix myself. My clothes are soaked, my blue jacket sticking to my arms and my hair plaster to my forehead.

"Can I help you?" The old woman furrows her eyebrows in concern.

" (y/n)? She j-just woke up." I stutter, shivering.

"Last room on the left down the hall sweetheart." Her tone softens when she sees my condition, and I speedwalk to her door, CaRtOoNz following close behind.

I take a deep breath before opening the door.

" (y/n)?..."

° (Y/N) POV°

" (y/n)?..." I hear my name and I turn towards my door, my eyes widening, and I jump off my bed, running into Delirious's arms, and he holds me even tighter than Brock.

I feel his wet clothes and cold hands, but I don't care.


He looks down at me, and when our eyes meet, so do our lips.

After a minute, I hear Brock clear his throat.

We pull away and I blush, looking at Moo as he raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

"Who's this? I never got a proper introduction, missy." He walks up to Delirious and I, and I bite my lip.

After an awkward silence, Delirious speaks up.

"I was a patient at the asylum, but after she came to visit me everyday, I began to progress dramatically. She made me feel for the first time in my life. Hell, she made me cry when she disappeared. But after I was checked out, I knew from that day, that I wanted to spend every crazy second of my delirious life with this perfect woman." Delirious kisses my forehead, and I smile shyly, holding him closer.

Brock narrows his eyes, opening his mouth, hesitating, and shutting it again.

"Moo," I look up at him, and he stares at me with concern, "he loves me... and I love him." I state bluntly.

Again, Brock hesitates, but he sighs in defeat, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking at Delirious.

"If you hurt her, I will skin you alive. Got it?" Brock threatens, and Delirious blinks at him, taken back by his calm yet spine chilling tone, but he smiles warmly, and looks at me again.

"Got it."

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now