Don't play with me...

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°Delirious POV°

No No NO!!!

I took no time to hesitate and sprinted around the side of the house and was soon met with a busted front door.

"Come on baby, come on!" I clench my teeth and run in, immediately hearing gunshots, skin impact, and screams.

My adrenaline intoxicates me and I cant feel my legs, but I follow the sounds.

"Hang in there baby I'm coming!" I stumble up the stairs and slam against the wall taking a sharp turn to be met with bodies littering the floor and blood painting the walls.

"Baby-" I freeze.

There she is.
Covered in blood, hers and theirs.
She's been shot, but managed to brutally murder every single man.

Except for one.

He's wheezing and clutching his stomach as a nine inch knife is stuck clean through his gut and poking through his back.

" (y/n)..." I murmur, the smell of blood greets me, and the freshness from each wound sends familiar shivers down my spine.

Oh how I miss the rush of murder...

"Delirious..." She stands trembling and wide-eyed.
She's pale.

Suddenly she collapses and I jump to her side, lifting her gently and running to the kitchen, ignoring the babbling of the bleeding man on the floor.

"Its okay baby... I know it hurts but you gotta stay awake." I lay her on the counter and she suddenly opens her eyes again and gasps for air, sitting up abruptly and clenching her side.

"Woah! Hey, its okay! I'm here princess, I'm here..." I rush to her and she looks at me wide-eyed before relaxing and flinching again when she clenches her bleeding waist.

"What happened back there?..." I gaze into her tired (e/c) eyes and she hesitates before sighing and reaching for me. I walk into pen arms and I push her legs apart to fit closer to her.
She rests her arms on my shoulders and I caress her thighs.

"Jon... I..."


"Find her!" The man with the baritone voice demands and the sound of foot steps scatter around the house, some growing closer, while other fade into the distance and to the first floor of the house as (y/n) hides in her closet, waiting to take them out one by one.

Clear your mind...

You've done this before...

You can do it again...

Think of Jon.


Suddenly footsteps are heard entering her room, they're slow and hesitant, but its too late either way.


(Y/n) slowly slips out the closet without a sound and creeps to the strange man tiptoeing toward the open window.
She gets behind him and feels a cold rush of adrenaline as he pauses.


She quickly grips his chin and the back of his head and jerks his head causing his neck to snap. His body falls with a heavy thump, most likely catching the attention of those nearby.

But (y/n) doesn't care.
She lived for this when she was younger.
She was a criminal.
An assassin to be exact.

Her next victim comes with a friend as they slowly creep to her room, turning and twisting to get every angle.
But that won't save them.
Its too late.


The rush is heavier now and sweet chills role down her spine as the base of her hand comes in contact with one soldiers nose, cracking the bone while the other guard is instantly kicked out of the window, his head cracking against the frame before his limp body falls fast and a loud thud is heard from below.


The first guard holds his nose and glares, attempting to pulls his gun but (y/n) is quick to drive her foot into his neck, the high kick sending him a few feet back and slamming against the wall in the hallway.

This stirs the attention of the rest of the men downstairs and (y/n) calculates the amount of feet per second, as well as their distance.


Three men.
Good distance to take them down in a solid row.
The last one is heavier than the rest.

Their armers not heavy enough.
Not for her.


They finally make it up and stare in shock before a man with a pink mustache and red colored hair speaks in his deep, loud voice.

"Get her."

With that the first two men begin rushing at (y/n), causing her to smirk wildly.



(Y/n) drops to the floor and spins her leg out, her foot skidding across the floor and kicking both the guards off their feet, sending them flying to the wall behind her and a gun drops to the floor inches from her.

She doesn't hesitate.

Within seconds, she pulls the trigger and blood splatters against the walls as the two bodies go limp.


She turns to the final man and he stands with gun in one hand and a large nine inch knife sharp enough to cut a frozen limb.

She raises the gun, but so does he, and at the same moment, both triggers are pulled.
But she's just a little bit faster.
She always is.

One bullet flies through the mans stomach, catching him off-guard and his bullet is off target, grazing her waist leaving a deep gash and she cries out in pain and anger.

He falls to his knees, and she wastes no time to kick the knife from his weak hand, grabbing it and shoving it hard into his gut.


The pain is hot and sharp, but she watches in pleasure as blood sputter from his lips and spills from his jacket.

He collapses and has resorted to strangled pleas and twitching movement.

"W-What... H-How?!" He glares daggers at (y/n)  and she simply smiles.

"Motherfucker, don't play with me."


I stare at her in shock as she finishes the story, and she begins to tremble.

"I need to get you away from here... you're not safe... and neither is anyone who comes for you..." I pull her closer and she hisses in pain.

I pull away and lay out some alcohol, gauze pads and bandage wraps.

"Looks like I'm not the only one with a past, huh?" I smile softly at her and she offers a weak crooked smirk.

"I had a history before we met... lets just leave it at that for now." She giggles, and its struggled and breathy.

"Roger that, angel."

Beast (H2ODelirious x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now