Looking over at the Orochi, Susanoo crossed his arms.

"Nephew, do you know about the legend of the Yamata-no-Orochi?"


"Humph. Since you're obviously too stunned from looking at the hole in your chest, allow me to tell you the story."

Narrowing his eyes in annoyance, Issei removed his attention from the hole in his chest to his uncle.

"After I was banished from Takamagahara, I encountered an elderly couple and their daughter. Oh, how I remember that day. Their daughter was named Kushinada-hime. The girl was supposed to be a sacrifice to the creature that is battling the Red Dragon Emperor as we speak."

Issei widened his eyes a little at the revelation.


"Originally, that couple had eight daughters, however each year the Yamato-no-Orochi would come in and devour them one by one, until Kushinada-hime was left. So obviously that meant she would be the next daughter and sacrifice to the Orochi. In order to keep her safe, I transformed her into a comb for safekeeping."



Issei turned around to see Ddraig growling at the Yamata-no-Orochi, who hissed and snarled back in response. The Red Dragon Emperor's body was glowing with a dark-crimson aura, his body releasing a large sum of power. Covering the Yamata-no-Orochi's body was a vast pool of black energy that surrounded the snakes.

"Humph," Susanoo scoffed as he watched the fight. "It looks like the Welsh Dragon is having a bit of trouble fighting the Orochi."

His scowl changing into a smirk, Susanoo turned his attention to his nephew.

"After I changed Kushinada-hime into a comb, I told the elderly couple to brew sake, and then build a fence around their house with eight large gates. I also made them build a platform and vat just inside each gate. We all waited, and eventually the Yamata-no-Orochi couldn't resist the scent of sake. As all Shinto Gods know, serpents all love sake. So all of its eight heads dove into the sake, and became intoxicated as a result. And that was when I attacked with my original sword. However, my sword broke when it touched the middle tail and its flesh. That was when I found the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, my nephew."

Issei narrowed his eyes at Susanoo's explanation.

'So that's how he got the sword. Why am I not surprised?'

"Although," Susanoo began as he looked almost grudgingly proud at the soul of the Yamata-no-Orochi, "I'm surprised the Orochi had sealed a portion of its own soul within the sword before I killed it. But what it didn't count on, was that the portion of its soul would be but a mindless creature. I must say, I did not expect such a conundrum."

"Why are you telling me all this? You said you wanted to fight me."

"Oh, but I did. I did fight you. Taking you into your own inner world was all part of my plan. I told you that I wanted to reclaim the sword back, and I have every intention of doing so. Without you as an obstacle."

Issei rose an eyebrow.

"Without me in the way? You're in my inner world. And what do you mean you planned this?"

Susanoo's smirk widened to extreme proportions, and he looked up at the sky of his nephew's inner world.

"Your mother was always such a whiny goddess. She's the sole reason I was banished from Takamagahara, all because I messed up her belongings. I swear, I should've just killed her myself if I had the chance."

High School DxD: Rise of the Solar GodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin