Chapter 43~ Talkin'

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Jason's pov

I wish I could use magic. It would help me release this unbearable anger I have against my stupid ass father showing up again. I get why he didn't help with Miranda now but he could've told me then or at least helped me figure out the spell he used! It's so frustrating. He only cares when it's convenient. Hell he only pretends to care half the time. Miranda was asleep in the chair and Parker was playing with Legos on the living room floor. I stand up, heading to the kitchen for another beer. "I don't wanna be steppin' on Legos tonight bud. Make sure ya pick 'em up. "I will pop!" He calls with a weird British accent. I glance sideways at him confused. Ok he's never called me pop before or talked in a British accent. "Parker have you been doing spells on your own?" He looks worried now. "Sorry ol chap but I fiddled with me wand and sorta changed meself." My eyes go wide. Why didn't I notice?! "Why didn't ya tell me son?" "I was a wee ashamed pop." This is too weird. I nudge Miranda awake. "Parker's done something weird. He's put some kinda spell on himself to where he's talking British. It's weird and I don't know what to do about it." "Oh jeez. Come on Parker." She says, standing up. They go to the room we do magic in and I go to the kitchen and dump that damn beer out. "I don't want to turn into him." I whisper, putting my hands on the sink, worried. "But I'm already." I close my eyes and grit my teeth. I'm drinking to drown out my emotions. I neglected to realize a change in my son. I shakily look up and out the window where his swingset was. "Am... Am I turning into dad?" I whisper, shaking. "Of course you're not!" I jump in surprise, my heart racing. "W-What?" I mumble turning around. He stood behind me with Parker on her hip. "I... How much a that did ya hear?" "Enough." She sets him down. "Don't get into magic without one of us." He runs into the living room. "Why would you ever think you're anything like your father?" She asks, putting a hand on my arm. I sigh and lean against the sink. "I didn't even realize something happened to Parker. I've been drinking to drown out my inner demons. My anger issues. The shit I did... Well you know." I say, looking away. "Mistakes happen. Drinking a beer or two doesn't turn you into your dad though and hell I didn't even know something happened to him. The difference between you and your dad. He didn't care, Jason you do." I sigh, staring at the empty beer bottle on the counter. "I still hate that side of me." "Well you shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with you! Hell you barely rage. I understand that shit with Parker." My eyes go wide in surprise. "You do?" "You're protective of me. I know you were scared for my safety." "You understand me better than anyone in this whole damn world." There's a knock at the door. Luke walks in before we say anything. I smile. "That's the thing about best friends they come over whenever." "We still doing that acoustic show?" He asks. "Yeah. I'll meet ya there, man." He waves and leaves. "I know that nightmare you had at the hospital wasn't about our son." She sighs. "It's really hard to keep my nightmares secret huh?" I smile and hug her. "I don't know... How you can forgive me." I shakily say, the smile fading into a worried frown. "Cause you're my true love." She pulls back to where we're looking at each other face to face. "And I can if I wanna." She says with a teasing smile. I smile too. "God I love ya, crazy girl." I say kissing her.

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