Chapter 25 : London's Gift .

Start from the beginning

After eating an wonderful dinner with MY Fiance, we headed out to the parking lot. We were going to head to the Pandora Hotel, and bring my stuff back to our house. Stepping outside to the cool weather, there were a red jeep that sat directly in front of the resturant. Terrence grip on my hand instantly tightens up. The door soon opens, and out came Takia and Sasha. 

Everything in my body grew numb. What the fuck? Takia leaned on the jeep, while Sasha stood in front of Terrence and I with a grin on her face.

''So you guys had a nice dinner?'',she finally ask. I looked up to Terrence to see him with his mouth bald up. I'm not saying anything, just because I might just end up fighting this girl out here. He has to handle this hiself. ''Sasha how did you find us?'' I automatically frowned up. Should that even matter at this point. She chuckles a bit,''Boss Man , do you really want to know? I just thought that I'll come see you since you have'nt seen me since our trip in London. But it looks like you're busy'',she said reffering to me. Terrence let loose on my hand, ''Sasha what we had is over. I'm settling down with my wife Sha'la. So stop calling me Boss Man because you're fired!''

Sasha, Takia, and myself looked at Terrence as if he were dumb. Even though I dislike Sasha,but she's mainly the one who all the photographers and journalist want to see. They'll be devastated when they finds out that the Baltimore Chapter is no longer over her. She's brings in  the bills and attention to his company. She scoffed,''Y-You firing me?'',she asked him in disbelief. He nod his head,''Duh. Dont act like you're stupid'' When Terrence said that I dropped my head, laughing. I'm enjoying see Terrence down talk Sasha. Hell it was quite the entertainment for me.

''What's so funny?'' I looked up to see Sasha staring me down. Back then I would'nt have said anything. But now I am. Her being disrespectful back at the block, I knew that she'll be trouble. Like Taylor Swift said, ''I knew you were trouble when you walked in''. And Sasha was enough trouble for me.

''You'', I replied. I walked up to her slowly, standing beside Terrence. ''It's girls like you that makes it hard for girls like me to keep their man. Yeah Terrence slipped up and slept with you-- ''Yeah which he quite enjoyed'',she interrupts me. I frowned. My anger is now reaching the boiling point. ''Sasha I'm trying to tell you nicely. Leave me and Terrence alone'' She smirks,''Or what''

Before I can even second guess myself, I threw my fist back, and connect it to her head, as hard as I could. BAM! She dropped to the floor, causing her red dress to come up. ''You bitch!'' I looked up to see Takia run full speed my way. Takia was'nt no Sasha,but I knew they had to share some charateristics. Takia is just as dirty as her sister, for not letting Re'Nae know that her boyfriend is sleeping with Sasha. She ranned up to me swinging her arms wild, hitting me from all diffrent directions. Her swinging her arms like a damn windmill,made it hard for me to see. So I swung my arms just as crazy as she did. Suddenly, I feel myself lift up from the ground.

''Stop it'',I hear Terrence yell. I wrapped my hand full into Takia's hair, and held onto it with a tight grip. Me and Takia were now holding each other's weave, not wanting to let go, or get hit. ''On the count of three, let go'',an unfamilar voice said. I twist her hair tighter in my hand, causing her to hiss in pain,and yanking my head. ''Ahh, Bitch'',I screeched,kicking my legs up. ''Chill Sha'la Chill'' , Terrence says. ''On the count to 3.'',the unfamilar voice said'' One......Two.... THREE !'' We both let go backing away. Sasha was still laying on the ground. I hope I didn't kill her. But either way, I won. I came on top. I got my man no matter what.

''You stupid bitch. I've been waiting on yo ass for months'',Takia barked. All I could do were laugh,''Yeah hoe, well I handed you an good ass whooping'' Terrence grabs my hand , and leads me to my car. I don't know what's the outcome going to be with me And Terrence, but as of right now, All I want to do is go to sleep. That mothrfucker got my head hurting.


Since the fight back at Olive Garden, Terrence and I have'nt bumped into Sasha since. He said that he heard that I knocked her out, but she's okay. Me, I'm still unemployed, but I'm taking classes online. 

When I told my family that I took Terrence back, everyone were on the edge. Especially Nakai and Naomi. They claimed they lost all of their respect for him. My mom? She just told me whatever my heart told me, follow it. It'll lead me in the right direction.

The fight that took place at Olive Garden managed to reach Youtube. When Nakai saw it, she raised hell. She said I was fighting like a litlle girl,but only because the recorder only caught the fight between me and Takia. They didnt catch it when I knocked the wind out Sasha. After that fight, I kinda felt like a bad ass. I was no longer scared to fight anyone that came my way.

Sitting on the sofa, I watched the reruns of ''Living In Color''. I love and cherish this show. Watching it makes me feel like im 12 all over again. A knock soon hits the door. Placing my bowl of cereal on the table, I walked up the door,and looked out through the peep hole.

Nobody was there. 

Curious I opened the door, to see an large orange envelope on my door mat. My brows furrowed. ''What is this?'',I said to myself. I opened up the envelope to see an ultra sound picture inside. I furrowed my brows. Who would possibly leave their ultra sound picture on my doorstep? They probably got the wrong house. I went back inside the house, and sat down, with the picture in hand.I scanned the picture one last time,to see writing were on the back. I turned it around to see the words : ''London's Gift'' 

My heart drops. I turned the picture over, and there it was in black and white.

Jones, B Sasha .1 month ultra sound. 

A gasp escaped my mouth , as I stared down at the picture.

She Won . 

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