Mad, Astonished and Happy

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"I'm only one call away." _Charlie Puth

"Li's got a new boyfriend!" Iyla teased the first thing she did when she saw me at lunch. Then Iyla and Jaden went like "Ooh." It has been about two weeks since I've started to tutor Cole, but only a week ago Iyla, Roxie, and Jaden found out about it.

"Stop that, you make it seem like I've dated someone before. And Cole and I aren't a couple, I'm just his math tutor," I defended.

I actually totally forgot that Grayson and Layne had no idea about the tutor Cole thing. Although it didn't seem like Layne cared, he just started to tease with the others, "Ooh, Sterlling got a boyfriend!"

"Silver, how come you never told me about any of this. And guys if they aren't dating, they aren't," Grayson spoke my point for me, but in his voice had annoyance hidden behind his tone of a jokester.

"Princess!" I turned around to see Cole running towards me, "I need to talk to you!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty hallway.

This was a really confusing moment but was a whole lot clearer when Cole had that big grin on his face that I love and he handed me a packet with a big B on the front. I remembered how Cole needed to get higher than a D to get back to being the quarterback.

"Cole, this is better than expected!" I jumped and hugged him. "Congratulations!"

Cole hugged me back, "This was all because of you. And because I got a good grade, I want a treat. From you."

I was kind of confused, but I went along with it, "Alright anything you want."

"I want a date with you. And you can't say no," Cole had a smug smile on his face like he had won the argument we never had.

I sort of wanted to object, but I did promise him a treat, I sighed, "Fine, I'll give you your date."

Cole fist bumped the sky, and grabbed both of my hands, "Thank you Sterlling." He kissed my cheek and squeezed my hands before leaving me in the empty hallway.

Minutes later, Grayson and Jaden found me sitting in the same hallway. They looked really concerned with my dazed expression, but how could I not be. Even though I never thought I like him like that, though now it was kind of impossible to think of him as a friend. I had to be guided by Grayson and Jaden to get back to the courtyard, or I'd walk down a different hallway.

Once I was back with the rest of the group, Iyla and Layne both asked the same question at the same time, "What did Cole ask you?!"

After a few paused moments I finally spoke, "I said yes," I smiled and buried face in my hands.

The doorbell rang, louder than I remember; my hands were sweaty and I didn't know if I should open the door or let my dad do it. But since my dad doesn't want me to have a boyfriend, I rushed downstairs to greet Cole, but my dad beat me it. Of course, he already knew I was going out on a date, and he made it obvious he wasn't happy about it. He stood there with his arms crossed and stared straight at Cole, maybe if he was taller, my dad could look down at Cole.

"So you are the boy my daughter wants to go out on a date?" my dad stared so intensely at Cole, the intimidation radiating from his eyes.

Cole stood with confidence, the football player in him was showing with pride, "Yes, Mr. Blair."

This continued for a long time, my father asked my question that filled the room with awkward tension. I wanted to pull Cole out the door and slam it shut. Yet through it all, Cole survived and my dad seemed to sort of like him, but I don't think Cole realized.

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