Sorry Not Accepted

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"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." _Bruce Lee

Layne stormed to the tablet that was already turned off, "What the hell! What's with this bastard! I did not do all of this set up just so you could dump one of MY BEST FRIENDS." He started pressing the call button to Cole's number so many time, he could have destroyed it soon, "Pick up you sasshat!" okay, he didn't say that, but it was like it. "Pick up!"

"Layne, stop," I begged for him to stop, "Please." Tears were falling down my chin fast. I couldn't stop.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry," he apologized for something that wasn't his fault. Layne opened his arms and I ran right into them. I hugged him like there was no tomorrow for me, I wailed, sobbed, my tears absorbing into his jacket. Layne hugged me back without any pity, but anger. Through my breakdown, Layne managed to get a fleece blanket wrapped around me and back with the Whites, and I didn't stop crying.

At the door, Grayson rushed to my side and I had a new shoulder to cry one, "What happened!" 

"I'm going to find out," Layne rushed out of the door, leaving me.

Frantically, Grayson got me upstairs and into the guest room, my crying had stopped and the tears were dry on my face. I couldn't stop crying and my arms clung to Grayson not letting go.

"Silver, what happened?" Grayson's voice was calm and comforting, soothing me to stop crying at least. I didn't want to think about it, I just wanted to lay in his arms right now. He considered my silence, "It's alright, you can talk when your ready, the others are coming soon." No words after that, we just laid in his bed like when we were kids and I cry about something. My forehead touched his chest and I curled up like a baby underneath his warmth. Grayson lent his arm as cover for me and he laid down by me, somehow stiff but relaxed. The rain already was pouring down hard and I watched pour without any of the coldness taking me whole. We were there for a few minutes, as time pass I grew more relaxed and Grayson muscles tensed, then outside we heard footsteps, then the doorknob was fiddled with for a second, immediately making Grayson sit up, and the only warmth I was left with was from the spot he once laid down on, which I placed my hand on to soak in that last bit.

Mrs. White came in, not bothered by the fact I was still laying down and Grayson on sat a few inches away. She came in with some cookies and sat them down on the bed when I sat up, also saying that they were fresh out of the oven. They were, melting in my mouth making me realize I hadn't had dessert yet which reminded me of Cole. Another tear ended up slipping out after I just stopped when there was a knock on the door.

Grayson allowed the people to come in, Nadene, Iyla, and Roxie. Only Roxie rushed to my side quickly, the other two slowly stepped in awkwardly as if they weren't supposed to be here.

Roxie came closer to me and whispered, "I hope you like your cheer up gift, it was very hard to get." She pulled Nadene and Iyla closer to me then walked over to Grayson and shooed him out the room. Neither of them wouldn't talk yet so Roxie nudged Iyla, pushing her even closer.

"Uh... well," Iyla rubbed her forearm nervously, "I'm really sorry about what happened the other day."

Nadene continued, "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just, you know we didn't like each other. And you being out with me seemed like a victory against Iyla, so I just had to shove it into her face-" She was cut off by a slap Roxie gave her on her shoulder. "Oww! So to make it up to you, we talked things out and ... and ... we are no longer fighting." She said that with a bit of disgust.

Iyla sat down beside me, "So will you forgive us for saying those things to you, we really didn't mean it."

If they were willing to go far enough to stop fighting, they'll have to do some more, "No." Their jaws dropped, even Roxie's.

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