Ends of My Days

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"Leaving is hard, but being left behind is harder."_Lexxel

It was finally the day of the wedding. The six of us had arrived here yesterday since all of our dads were invited to Mr. Leyson's bachelor party. Our mothers have been here for a week already, being with the bride to get everything ready. As for us, we got some facials, mani-pedis, Iyla even re-dyed her hair. Of course, Layne didn't do any of that with us, but he did go shopping with us for the dresses. Grayson couldn't since he went back to college, he is arriving today though. Finally, for Jaden, we will be able to see him today before the ceremony.

Layne, Roxie, Iyla, Nadene, and I patiently waited for Grayson at the airport, Jaden would be here with us, but the doctor said that he was only allowed to go to the ceremony and the after party. We were getting bored after waiting for ten minutes, his flight landed thirty minutes ago. Finally, the kid came, seriously how long does it take to get here. We wildly waving to Grayson like little kids who needed to be controlled.

He came over to us to stop our waves, slapping and grabbing each of our wrists, "Hey, stop! Don't embarrass me."

We shared all shared a big hug, then got into a car to go to Jaden. Roxie and I visited him yesterday, and to Roxie's promise, Jaden asked her to be his girlfriend. It was so cute that I filmed it and sent it to everyone. He wasn't grand, he just took her hand and asked her. Roxie said yes, obviously, and they kissed. I wished I made it live, that would be even better.

The hospital Jaden was at, was huge, there were so many other cancer patients here as well. The patient in the same room as him wasn't a cancer patient, but he was still going through something, obviously. His name was Kayden, Grayson's age to be exact, really funny how his name rhymed with Jaden, anyway, Kayden was also invited to the wedding, as the family and he ended up being really good friends. This was all the information that we were telling Grayson, so he and everyone else in the car except Roxie and I had not met Kayden yet.

Roxie entered the room first, greeting Jaden and Kayden, next I came in doing the same to both patients.

"Guess who is here today!" I announced to the small room.

Jaden looked amused, ready to play the game, "Umm, is it," he paused, "Layne, Nadene, Iyla, and Grayson?"

"Corr-" I started.

But I was interrupted but the sounds of mouth made ambulance noises, "Weeee Ooooo! Weeeeee Ooooh!"

 Both Layne and Grayson made those sounds while making an entrance of carrying Iyla by her arms and legs, and Nadene who was on Grayson back (he was at Iyla's feet).

Nadene jumped off of Grayson and onto the floor like a ringmaster, "Incorrect! I am Doctor Parell, these are Nurses White and Myers, and finally the patient, Ms. Evens. Ms. Evan will stay in this room, due to the concussion of being hit on the head."

With that, Layne- excuse me- I mean, Nurse Myers and Nurse White lightly dropped patient Evens onto the floor with a loud thud.

Jaden chimed in with the skit and asked a simple question to Ms. Evens, "How did you get that concussion, Ms. Evens?"

In some fake British accent, she answered, "Why, when I was dropped by these to lugs you call nurses, unforgivable I must say. Unforgivable!"

Kayden laughed at our group of friend, "You guys are funny, I wish I had more entertainment these days."

Being the flirt Nadene is, she went over to Kayden's bed, lifted up his chin bringing his face closer to her's, "I'll be your entertainment as long as I can."

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