I didn't Go

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"We are our choices." _J.P. Sarte

My friends only know I went on one date with Cole. We've been on a month's worth of dates and I still haven't told anyone. I mean we are what seems like dating but I'm not his girlfriend.

Cole was walking out of the locker rooms, all the sweat washed off but to me, that meant nothing as long as he was using the soap I didn't like. Cole back hugged me, when I turned my back to him.

"Guess what, Princess?" Cole kissed my cheek. "You know how I want to get it and go to college on a football scholarship?"

"Doesn't everyone, and did you use the right soap?"

"Yes," he rolled his eyes but nuzzled into my cheek. "You also know how I've been to other high schools for football. And our school team, the awesome and wonderful Panthers, made it to the finals," I nodded. "I need you to come to the last one please."

I nodded once more, "Sure, when is it?"

"Umm... in about a week from now, actually it's in a week from tomorrow." Today was Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, the finals are next Saturday. Got it down. Cole's phone started to ring, "Hello? ... Uh huh. I'll be there right away." Cole gave me an apologetic look, "Sorry, I have to go. Maybe we can reschedule today's date another day." With a slight frown, I nodded one more time. He kissed my cheek, "I'm sorry."

It was a fake one but I still smiled, "It's fine." 

I watched Cole run down the hallway and turn a left. I was really excited for this date, we haven't been out in two weeks, and it's been the same each time we've almost been on a date. 

I picked up my phone and dialed Grayson's number, "Can I talk to you. Yeah, I just need to talk to you, can you pick me up too? Thanks."

I waited outside of the school entrance for about ten minutes, the Whites car pulled up right in front of me. Grayson rolled down the window from the driver's seat giving me a joking smile, "Somebody ordered a pickup. Along with that, we have one more stop to go get mochas."

I gave him a smile, "Thank you, Goldie."

"So what's the problem, Ms. Silver?" Grayson tried to joke around.

"Can we talk about this once we have our tea? Right now I want to get my spirits up," I took Grayson's phone, connected it to the car and put on some Jessie J and DNCE. For the rest of the ride, we sang and belted out every word and even the words that were not supposed to be in the clean version.

"For Silver, two iced white chocolate mocha," the lady at the counter called my name.

"I'll get them," Grayson nodded at me as I walked away. "Here's your mocha and here's mine," he gave it to me letting me have a gigantic sip of it.

Grayson suddenly took my drink away from me, "So... Silver. Will you tell me what's going now?"

I rolled my head back and took a sip of Grayson's drink since he had mine, "I thought you would have forgotten by now. Do I have to talk about it? I mean it's not really a problem anymore."

"Silver, you called me here to talk about whatever problem you were dealing with. Now you've been avoiding this subject like what I do when I try to avoid Melanie. Spill it now," Grayson took his drink back keeping both of them out of my lazy reach.

"Ugh, fine! I like Cole," Grayson's eyes slightly widened as I said those words. "And I have been going on plenty of dates with him." Grayson gave me the 'so what's the problem with that' look. "The problem is that for the past two weeks he's been extremely busy. Canceling last minute, he even did that today. What's worse is that we aren't even a couple yet! Because of that, I... I think that he doesn't want to be with me."

"Well then maybe he doesn't," Grayson wasn't helping at all.

"What are you saying?" tears started to form in my eyes.

Grayson looked like he immediately regretted what he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Here! Here's your drink back! What I meant to say was... was that he, umm ... he just needed to go somewhere important for the past week, I don't think it means Cole was playing you." He sighed, "Let's get you home."

It was Saturday, 9:27 A.M., I haven't talked to Cole in a week. Maybe Grayson was right, Cole was just playing with my feelings. I don't want to believe this. But I promised to go to his game anyways. I don't even know if he wanted to see me all week, then again I have been avoiding every chance to meet up with him. Today was the day when I would find out what I am to Cole, a girlfriend or a tutor he doesn't even need anymore.

I met Layne at the entrance, totally forgetting that he was on the team. My phone buzzed.

"Hey," Layne waved. "You aren't going to-" I couldn't hear the rest of what he said, he was cut off by multiple honks of a car horn.

"What? I couldn't hear you," there was another honk, irritating the heck out of me.

I looked at the car who's window rolled down revealing Cole, "Sterlling!"

"I'm going, see you on the field," I left Layne without looking back, straight to Cole.

The door of Cole's car opened, Cole sat inside grinning at me, "You came."

"I did," I sat in the passenger seat, not saying anything afterward. He didn't either. We just sat there in silence.

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

Silence for a minute, "I haven't." Another pause, "Why have you been ditching me before?"

"That doesn't answer anything." I will not speak. Cole sighed, he wasn't even going to try. "I'll tell you the answer to your question after the game. And if I win you have to answer mine?" I feel mute. "No?" I feel numb. "Yes?" I nod feeling like I can't control my body. "I'll win." He left the car leaving the keys behind, along with me.

I left the car as soon as Cole was out of my view. I took is keys with me, walking to the bleachers. The game began, Panthers against the Jackals. We took a small lead at the beginning but the Jackals quickly caught up. I don't know anything about football except two people I care about were in the field, one as a friend the other as something more. Cole was playing wonderfully, bringing the Panthers back in the game. It continued on, the Panther taking a giant step forward in winning the game, with one final touchdown the cheers were everywhere and the scouts in the seats were writing their final assessments and congratulating the players.

After the scouts, the rest of the players started to go back and get something from the benches. Everyone but Layne, who started to leave the field, unfolded a large piece of cloth, words showing "PRINCESS, WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" Everyone around me was looking at one another, especially the girls, wondering who the princess of the popular quarterback. Two freshman players walked up to where I was sitting and handed me their hand each. I took them and let them guide me to the field. Cole was standing amongst the players of both teams, the Jackals got interested when the sign was being unfolded. I was walked from the beginning of the players, who greeted me with cheers. At the end of the line, there was Cole walking towards me slowly, the boys holding my hands let go.

I hid my cheeks behind his face, and whispered into Cole's ear, "Yes."

He grinned from ear to ear and picked me up, twirling me around in circles, shouting, "She said yes!!" to the entire field.

I didn't find this out until after I spent the entire day with Cole, a text from Grayson. "Hey Silver. If you aren't busy can you come to my swim meet today" that was sent at 9:28. Another at 9:29, "It starts at four". A text at 9:32 "I have to tell you something it's really important. If I win the free 100 I'll tell you" This wasn't normal for Grayson, he doesn't usually text with periods and capital letters. It was 9:23 pm, five hours since Grayson's meet, and I didn't go. 

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