Star & Jade

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"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional."_Walt Disney

I opened the front door slightly and poked my head inside. The coast was clear - no parents insight. All I had to do was sneak past the living room, go upstairs, put my stuff away and get my wallet. I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed it, hurrying because Jaden was waiting for me outside. I heard something happening in the kitchen as I dashed past the living room to the stairs, which means mom or dad was in the kitchen, which means I gotta rush. Right before I reached the doorknob, I was caught.

"Sterlling, darling? Where are you going?" I turned around to see my mom with a platter in her hands. I'm guessing she was going to cook something in the oven, from the smell of baked bread coming from the kitchen, meaning I will be eating steak in the near future. I feel like whenever she cooks steak, it smells like baked bread, but I'm sure no one else thinks like that.

I looked around the room while playing with my fingers, "I'm just going out with a friend."

"Sweetie, do you mind if your friend and you stay here in the house? Tonight we're having dinner with the Whites." So that's the reason I smelled bread. The Whites are family friends and our next door neighbors. I'm really good friends with their son, but he went away to a boarding school across the country. I nodded, sighing that Jaden and I couldn't go out. Walking out the door, I saw Jaden leaning on the space next to the door.

"Hey, Jade," Jaden looked up and waved. "Do you mind staying at my place? I can't go out tonight." Jaden nodded and followed me inside. "Don't mind the baked bread smell." He just looked at me with confusion, but I just waved it off. Jaden also looked a little tired, like he had no energy, good thing we weren't going anywhere.

I grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen, completely forgetting my mom was in the kitchen and turns out my dad was there too. I heard a grunt coming from behind me, looking up I saw my dad glaring daggers into the boy I brought home, my mom, on the other hand, was observing Jaden very closely, coming up with the conclusion that he was a good boy. Beneath the glares and stares of my parents was one hell of an extremely nervous boy, my good friend Jaden. In my hands was a bag of pre-popped popcorn -my wonderful, wonderful luck. A show was going to happen, either my dad was going to pounce first on the nervous wreck or my mom was going to bombard Jaden with questions. Bingo! My second guess was right, my mom started firing questions left and right, and I was on the side, munching my popcorn. Jaden looked too nervous to answer, so I helped out and answered for him.

"Well mom, his name is Jaden, we just met today, and we might end up watching a movie. No, we aren't dating, trust me, mom. " I gave her a blank look. I turned my head to Jaden, "Do you want to stay for dinner?" Jaden just nodded.

My dad's expression softened and went back to the stove, and waved us off, "You two have fun, don't do anything bad." Mom made a shooing motion, so Jaden and I fled the kitchen to my room.

My room was simple with pale blue walls, filled with tons of pictures, drawings, and posters of anime, two massive bookshelves filled with adventure and romance novels, with a couple of classics, a full sized bed with a pale purple bed set and a couple of large plush tsum-tsums sitting on top. There was a large light brown desk in the corner and a flat - screen tv across from the bed next to my small walk-in closet. I took out a box of movies from underneath my bed, picked out a movie and put the disc in the video player and leaped onto the bed, leaving room for Jaden.

Jaden laid down beside me, "What's the movie?"

I smirked, assuming that Jaden wouldn't want the genre of the movie, "Wait and see, Jade. Just wait and see." The movie wasn't a bad one, but it was a chick flick, and it did include a princess, but I loved it.

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