Move on Melanie

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"Be careful who you make memories with, those things can last a lifetime." _Ugo Eze

The Monday after Cole's game, he and I announced that we were finally an item. I also apologized to Grayson a lot for not going to his swim meet, but he said it was okay. For some reason, I don't really believe him but I let it go.

Ever since Cole and I started dating, he started to sit at our table with my group of friends. Layne already met him since he was on the football team, and Grayson was in the same grade as him anyways. Iyla, Jaden, and Roxie finally got to meet my boyfriend, which meant more teasing from the three of them. Roxie wasn't one to tease people, and Grayson didn't seem very fond of my relationship or he liked my pain from the teasing. It's been many months so they stopped teasing a long time ago.

"Hey Grayson!" Melanie strutted over to my lunch table. "Grayson, you haven't been responding to my texts." The reason why is that Grayson gave Melanie a random phone number this month when she wouldn't stop bugging him.

While Melanie clung to Grayson like a koala that had its everything done, the top witch monkey strides over to pick up her best friend the koala. And of course, the monkey was Nadene, she never really like us much especially because of Iyla and there ongoing monkey versus spider monkey war (Iyla is spider monkey because she is short and jumps a lot) (not very sure if the real species of monkeys fight in real if though, I didn't even give Nadene a specific monkey species). This quarrel is much louder than normal, this is a monkey fight, not a catfight. She most likely didn't like me either because I heard that Cole dated her for a short while then he dumped her.

Nadene didn't even speak to Melanie first she went straight to Iyla, "%^-#."

Iyla glared back, "$/@€."

Nadene grabbed Melanie by the back of her very see-through crop top, "Let's go, Melanie." Melanie was reluctant to let go of Grayson at first but left waving at him until they reached the inside of the school.

The absence of the marsupial and tall monkey's presence was absolutely refreshing, but Melanie will always find her way back to Grayson, with us, his other friend, his swim team, at least not in the boy's restroom. Melanie has been trying to get Grayson all year long, and she is not giving up on him, he almost about I go to college. At first, the flirting from Melanie was really funny at first, how she always got rejected but was still very optimistic. It got really annoying after time, I'm serious she never leaves. The most annoying part is that whenever Melanie is Nadene is a few yards in front of her, just to drag her back to where she belongs, Nadene's side. Sometimes with Nadene around, it leads to major monkey fights. Since those fights happen once a month, they were entertaining.

On the way to Grayson, Layne, and Cole's car, Iyla and Nadene happened to "bump" into each other, "Watch where you are going," Nadene pushed Iyla out of her way.

Iyla stumbled back, "Well, excuse me if you are too chubby to handle the space I already gave you."

Nadene scoffed, "Not a chance, you bumped into me since you needed more room for all your fat." I had no idea why the two were fighting, they aren't even fat in general, although this was getting funny.

"I bet if I pushed you any harder, you'd fall because of your weight," Iyla poked Nadene until she took a step back.

Grayson, who wasn't a big fan of verbal fights, (which is why he would rather watch WWE than a debate with Iyla, Roxie, and me on a team), got in between the two ladies, trying to stop their fight, "Come on you two, you shouldn't fight. Can't you guys get over whatever is the reason you two always are shouting at each other."

"Get out Grayson!" Iyla and Nadene pushed Grayson out of the way, for the first time they agreed on something.

Grayson stumbled back and fell over Iyla's backpack, which she put down near me. Grayson continued to fall into Jaden's arms, who could not hold up his weight, fell into Roxie. I could not understand how they were all lined up like that, and it seemed like they were doing their own version of double dipping. Roxie continued to use her entire weight to hold the two boys up, but it did not seem like she would last long.

Eventually, Grayson got a hold of his balance, but Jaden was still holding onto him, "Let go Jaden." Jaden let go and miraculously fell on his back and Roxie rolled on top of him. It wasn't like any movie where Roxie and Jaden started into each other's eyes a very long period of time, instead they quickly sat up as if they hadn't fallen together, and got up with the help of Layne and me, then Jaden started to clutch his the upper left side of his stomach. But back to Roxie and Jaden, I totally wished that would have happened.

Iyla and Nadene were continuing their little fight seemingly as if they didn't cause three people to fall. Grayson, on the other hand, was being "cared for" by a certain witch.

"Thank goodness you are alright Grayson," Melanie gripped even tighter to Grayson's arm. As annoying as Melanie was to me, Grayson was beyond irritated with her. He pushed her hands off of himself with a grunt. Melanie pouted, "What was that for Grayson?" She tried to touch him again, but he flinched and stepped away. "Grayson?"

Grayson turned to Melanie, "How would you feel if the person you liked rejected you because there was someone else."

She was really confused, but she answered, "I would feel sad, but then move on."

For the first time, Grayson put his hands on her shoulders, "Then move on Melanie."

Iyla stopped conversing with Nadene because she heard and understood what he said. Melanie didn't get the hint, but Iyla did, she ditched Nadene to scream at Grayson, "You have a girlfriend!"

I was just a surprised as Iyla, along with Roxie, but Layne, Cole, nor Jaden looked shocked, "You guys knew about this?"

Jaden looked at me with disbelief, "You didn't?"

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