Queen B.

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"Do what you did at the beginning of a relationship and there won't be an end." _Anthony Robbins

Time sure does fly by quickly, the first big break of the school year, winter break. It's been a weird start, that's the same thing I said about summer, but with Cole, Grayson, and especially Kyra gone, it's been quiet. Jaden has been acting like he did all summer, even skipping days of school, I heard from Roxie that she has been invited to these outings, but she says she wants a future. Then I ask her why doesn't she tell that to Jaden, but Roxie cuts me off saying that Jaden can choose to how to live his life, but she does wish that he wouldn't skip school. Their relationship is weird.

And don't get me started on what happened in Thanksgiving break, Iyla's family invited all of our families for a Thanksgiving dinner, and stuff happened. First it was really awkward between our group, and Ray and Cheri ditched us once more to have their own little conversation. Then when dinner was about to start and Kyra just came in, she wasn't even invited. During dinner, Jaden looked like he was ready to start a fight with anyone, but before he did, he politely left after a heated conversation with Grayson. Roxie followed, with her parents permission, they really looked like they sympathized for him. You could say it was a good, friendly dinner, only if you focused on the parents, Ray, and Cheri, for us, it was awkward, I still was giving Grayson the silent treatment, and Iyla and Layne tried to start a conversation.

So winter break, three weeks off of school, all the families get together and have food. The college students were coming back and we food. I keep saying, I guess I love food more than my boyfriend. Then again Cole isn't even coming over for the big Christmas Party, turns out once Cole left for college his parents moved out to Hawaii. Talk about an even longer long distance relationship, our first Christmas as a couple, and we aren't even together. Sucks to me to have a boyfriend when he was in senior year.

I flicked the screen of my laptop, "Ugh, start loading quicker!" On it was a frozen picture of Cole, another flick and it started working again. "Ah, there you are. Hey Cole, when are you going to Hawaii?"

"Today actually," Cole quickly turned around, "Go away will you I'm having a conversation with my girlfriend." I know that wasn't to me, but it made me smile to know he was telling his friends I was his girlfriend, it also made me giggle. He turned to me again, "Why are you giggling?" I didn't tell him, but it looked like he knew the answer, "You're cute." I swear my cheeks are starting to hurt. Cole and I talked for hours until my mom called me for some reason.

"I'll talk to you later," I blew Cole a kiss.

And he pretended to catch it, "Nice. Love you."

"Love you." I love those words, and I love hearing them from him.

I ran downstairs to see my mom and Mrs. Beckett at the door, "Sterlling, I'm sorry to disturb you and your family, but can I borrow you for the rest of the day?"

"Uhh, sure," I grabbed my coat and headed out the door, following Mrs. Beckett.

She led me to a car and we drove in silence. I don't even know what she wants with me, but the anxiety is terrifying, there is tension making me suffocate and it's coming from one person.

Once we stopped she started to explain, "Sterlling, I really need your help. Jaden and Leo's," probably Mr. Leyson, "relationship isn't getting any better. In fact, it is getting worse. No matter how many times Leo tries to get along with him, Jaden just shuts him out. I want Jaden to be happy, but I want him to be happy with Leo. Especially since I ... I want him to have a father." Right now Mrs. Beckett was already crying. "Please help me."

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