Kyra Decides

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"All I can do is follow my instincts, because I'll never please everyone." _Emma Watson

The second to last week of summer. The week when Layne comes back from camp, Iyla and Cheri were in the US once more, and Grayson is here with us, not with Kyra. Roxie, Ray (her brother if you don't remember), Jaden, and I greeted the both of them with hugs and hellos, maybe a squeal or two when Roxie and I saw Iyla and the same for her too. And from my point of view, it looks like Cheri and Ray hit it off once more, then again I heard from both Iyla and Roxie that they had been seeing each other outside of school.

They weren't really late, maybe it was just Roxie, Ray, Jaden and I were the ones who were early, but the one who really was late was Grayson. We were really about to go into the park without Grayson when extremely annoying honking came from a particular car. It was honk after honk after honk, and in a fast way, not stopping until we turned our heads to see who was making the noise. I would be happy to say that it was a friend that I haven't seen in a long time, or at least my dad who was being overprotective. He would have been a lot better than seeing Kyra's face, who was not supposed to be here, and her hand was reaching to the wheel just to honk the car, and the person driving was Grayson, who was not supposed to bring her.

Kyra opened the door making Grayson stop the car abruptly, "Hey guys! I haven't seen you in forever!"

She screamed that a little too far away to hear all of us, and I do mean all, mumble a very sarcastic "Yay."

Kyra ran over with her evil glint in her eyes, at least in my point of view, I think she's going to do something not so, how should I put this, good. "How come you guys didn't tell me this was happening today, I found Grayson leaving his house when I was coming over to get him for a surprise date. And I will tell you this, I was very shocked to find out he wanted to spend the day with some people other than his own girlfriend. So I decided to hang out with Grayson and his ... friends."

Grayson finally walked up to us stopping his lovely girlfriend's talking, "Hey guys, where are the tickets?"

Jaden rolled his eyes at him, he knew just as well as me that Grayson was so stupid not to notice his own girlfriend's behavior, "I don't know." Lie. "Why don't you just buy them?" He pointed to the man lazily sitting in the booth.

Grayson gritted his teeth, "Fine, let's go Kyra."

"Okay Goldie," she said the nickname again. Kyra linked arms with him, giving me one last smug look then skipped along with Grayson. Those two are turning out to be a very swell couple.

Roxie, Layne, Jaden, Cheri, Ray, Iyla, and I walked passed the two all having tickets in our hands and one extra was sitting in my purse. We waited for them to walk into the park, we could have just ditched them, but that would me Kyra would have gotten what she wanted. So I came up with few lies to make the group stay with the freak couple until the end of the day. Maybe this way I can "get closer" to Kyra.

"Let's begin!" Layne shouted onward, trying to keep the atmosphere light, but Kyra kept interrupting it. She was the one the told everyone which ride to go on, and if one of us some up, she'd find some way t blame us for something and Grayson would get mad at us. Seriously, even if Grayson wanted to go on a ride Kyra wouldn't let him. Ray and Cheri got so annoyed of Kyra they ditched us to have a little date.

I tried to be friendly to Kyra as well, went with whatever she wanted, even bought her something, I feel like a servant. is that what people actually do to try and be her friends. I was trying my best to be friendly, because doesn't it suck to have the person you have being really friendly to you, at least that's what I've heard from Iyla, I have never been this hated in my entire life, and it wasn't working. Kyra is using me for what she wants. Who the #€|| does she think she is, then again it is my choice whether or not to follow her. On the rides she is worse, you know how there are those cameras that take photos other roller coasters, Kyra is magnificent enough to always pull my hair so more of her face can be shown in the photo, and she always sits behind me, like a leech. She'd even show Grayson the photo, and all remarked was that Kyra looks great in every photo.

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