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"Feelings are visitors, let them come and go." _Mooji

I had limited options to call as of now. The list of people I didn't want to talk to were Jaden, Iyla, Naden, and Grayson. I left the house to avoid Grayson, I couldn't call Roxie, she was probably with Jaden, Cheri was on Iyla's side, and there's no way I would even talk to Kyra or Melanie. I guess that left Layne and Cole, but that didn't mean they were available.

First, try Cole, I texted him, asking if he could facetime me. To the likeliness, Cole didn't respond, but I still sat there staring at my phone hoping that he would. Stupid young love, making me have faith in somebody. Yet to my faith, my phone started to ring, and on the screen was Cole's name. I jumped in the excitement that I almost dropped my phone.

Cole's face appeared on the screen, "Hey there, Sterlling." My heart sank a bit when he didn't call me princess, but I held my smile. "What's up, we haven't talked in forever."

"Nothing," the fake grin faltered, "I just wanted some company."

Cole smiled sadly, "If that's all there's something I just ... I really need to tell you." His sad expression made me slightly curious. "I want to tell you that ... that ... I'm sorry I can't do this." He just hung up on me. I hated this, why in the world did he not want to tell me. We've been so distant lately, I barely talk to him, and the one time I do, he just hangs up.

Clenching my fist I think of the next person I'd be willing to call, Layne, the one person who would be at the mercy of everyone else because no one had a problem with him. Quickly dialing his number, the phone rang for a couple minutes, then Layne picked up, "Hello?"

"You picked up," I sighed gratefully all my anger fleeting immediately, "Are you busy now? I wanna meet up."

"Sure, this is great because I was going to ask you meet up as well, but later on in the day, like I could take you out for dinner," Layne quickly recited in one long breath.

It made me giggle though, "Are you asking me on another date. Layne you know I have a boyfriend."

Layne took my joke a little too seriously, giving a yelp through the phone, "I am not!" I laughed at him again, making him realize it was nothing weird. "So what do you say, you wanna go?"

"Yes, I'd like to go," I started to give him my cutest baby voice, 'but can you still hang out with me? I'm bored and I want some company."

I hear him sigh, "Fine." It was quiet for a second, then I started to laugh again and Layne joined in with his crazy laugh.

We ended up meeting at the same cafe Nadene and Iyla fought at, and it seemed Layne knew that as well considering he dragged me into this place, even though he saw me with my pained face. Silently sitting across from each other, it feels awkward but Layne doesn't seem to feel it. It might not be weird with Layne, it's probably, the place, like the waiter seemed to look at me tauntingly as if they remember who I was. We ordered quickly, two peppermint mochas to for the winter feels.

As soon as the waiter leaves I ask the question in my mind, "Why'd you bring me here?" The bright smile that was once on face faded away, Layne stayed silent still. "Layne, you know don't you? You know what happened here."

Layne smiled at me sheepishly, "Whaaat - Nooo. I don't know anything, I just think that this cafe has yummy food. Oh, look our drinks are here." The waiter set down the drinks, and Layne quickly picked one up and drank from it, burning his tongue in the process. "Ouch!"

He just keeps making me laugh when I'm supposed to be mad at him, "I'm not mad at you," Layne had a quick grin for a sec, "well not anymore anyway. But Layne, tell me why I was brought here, I mean I invited you, yet you chose the destination. So?"

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