Hi Kyra

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"Don't fear your enemy that attacks you, fear your fake friend who hugs you."

"Ding!" a message popped up on the top of my phone. The message was from Grayson Can u & Roxie pick up some food? Plz Also the 2 of u have 2 come 2 the usual plc thx

It was kind of creepy of how he knew I was with Roxie, but Iyla could have just told him. I replied, sure, what for though?

A couple seconds later another message appeared, Surprise See u guys there

"Come Roxie, we got to pick up some food then meet everyone at the park," I sighed and Roxie nodded.

We entered a bakery, baked goods was Grayson's favorite foods, ever since we were little he'd love to eat whatever I baked for him, and because of the baking, I've done for Grayson made me love to bake myself. Maybe that's why I think the smell of cooking steak smells like baked bread. I found myself enjoying seeing people's' faces once they try my treats, except Cheri, she was one hell of a critic.

"One Chocolate Condense Cake and two iced white chocolate mochas please for Sterlling," I asked the girl at the register. 10.75 blinked on a screen and I gave the girl eleven dollars, she registered it and the screen has 00.00 blinking. I walked over to Roxie who was waiting for me and the cake.

While we were waiting for a girl around my age ordered from the cashier, "Umm... Six Chocolate Condense Cupcakes and an iced coffee for Kyra." I looked at the Kyra girl, and I happen to recognize her, she was Kyra Kamn. She was in multiple rumors, one of the best athletes of the senior girls. I've never met Kyra, but I've seen her play and she is absolutely the best. As amazing as the rumors of Kyra were, there will always be negative ones.

"For Sterlling, one CC Cake and two white mochas," a lady handed me a bag with the cake in it. After I took it the lady spoke again, "For Kyra, a dozen CC Cupcakes, and an iced coffee."

Roxie and I were taking our time out the door, but I almost tripped when I got outside the door, "Be careful Sterlling."

"Yeah watch where you are going, you could've spilled that drink on me," Kyra scoffed. By the ways, she was behind us, it's not like I could have. I moved the side and let Kyra walk past me. She picked up one of my drinks, popped the cap open, and took a sip. "Ugh, too sweet. Do you know what happens to things I don't like?" She gave off a very intimidating vibe making me just shake my head. "I'll show you." She poured half of the drink on top my white blouse.

I screamed and she smiled, "I know who you are Sterlling Blair, our school's so-called princess. I don't care how close you are to him, just stay out of my way." She put the hall empty cup back and my hand and walk away. It must be Cole she is talking about, they both are in the same grade and very athletic, my mind started to burn with rage and jealousy, Roxie could see right through me.

"You think she wants you to back off of Cole?" Roxie gave me a few napkins and wiped off some extra drips of mocha.

"I sure hope she's not because I am not letting go of Cole."

At the park, I became mildly cold since the drink on my shirt hadn't dried yet. I was still trying to get all the liquid soaked up so Roxie had to carry the drinks and cake.

"Hey guys," Jaden and Iyla were walking up with each other having not reached the place yet, "Oo, you brought cake." Jaden was too distracted to even notice the large stain on my once white shirt.

"Yikes, Li. You have a better fashion sense, I hope that shirt design was bought by your dad," Iyla sure did seem to notice it though.

I rolled my eyes, "Very funny, it was just some butt face who spilled my drink on me." I didn't really like to take badly about people behind their back, since who knows, you never know if that person is listening. "Hey Goldie!"

We reached Grayson who had a frown on my face once he saw my shirt, "What happened?"

I was going to answer but someone interrupted me, and it was definitely not one of my friends, "I saw what happened, she bumped into some person and spilled the drink on herself." Kyra the liar stepped in front of me.

Grayson shook his head, "You sure are clumsy. Hey, where is my mocha?" I looked for the half-empty one and put it in his hands. "Did you drink it?"

It was starting to get irritating to talk to him and with Kyra standing right next to him was not helping, "No, idiot, as you remember what Kyra told you," I gave him the finger quotation marks, "'I spilled it on myself.'" I rolled my eyes knowing he heard my sarcasm.

"Oh right. Anyways I wanted to talk to you guys about my new girlfriend." Kyra slipped her arm around Grayson's and smiled oh so innocently at me. "You know Kyra right?"

My mouth formed such a fake smile, yet I Grayson didn't even notice it, as he was locked in the eyes of Kyra's, "Hi Kyra. Goldie, is this the reason to why you called us here?" I motioned to Kyra as if she was an object.

How Grayson didn't notice, Kyra saw the irritation plastered on my face, "Hey Goldie." That beach used my nickname for Grayson. Grayson's face was just as surprised as mine once he heard "Goldie" and he looked towards me. "Why don't we go somewhere else. Let's go on a date, kay?" Grayson looked hesitant yet he pulled Kyra closer and left the four of us for that beach, I clenched my fist then released. "And here's some iced coffee, since Sterling gave you the wrong cup."

Iyla walked towards me and put her hand on my shoulder, "It was her wasn't it?" I looked at her with confusion. "Kyra," she pointed at my shirt, I nodded. "I know a %^-# when I see one."

"Thanks Iy," I turned to Jaden, "So you knew about his relationship this whole time, and never once thought that we might have wanted to know?"

Jaden stormed passed us with, anger in his eyes, "Grayson can date whoever he wants." He was angry, but it didn't seem like his rage was directed towards us. 

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