Mr. Leyson

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"Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is let someone love you." _N.R. Hart

"Um. Hello Jaden's friends," the man stepped aside and gestured us to come in. "Come in."

We were shocked, Cole and I very much knew that Jaden was the only child and nothing was wrong with the house, and the guy didn't look like he was fixing anything, there was no uniform. Unless, he could be fixing someone, Mrs. Beckett. Oh my gosh, she has a boyfriend!. We followed him inside to where Mrs. Beckett was with a ring on her finger.

I leaned over to Jaden, still staring long and hard at the ring, "Jade, was this the last problem you were going to tell me?"

"Uh, not at first, but now, yes," Jaden's face was just as shocked as mine, and this was his own mom.

Mrs. Beckett didn't care for our confusion, she just wore a giant smile think I've only seen when she is really, I mean, really really really really really really really happy. The man I had no clue of before the door was opened, was either one of the best people in the world or the worst. There was a ring in her right hand. The guy proposed! Too many emotions from this little thing of one of my best friend's mom and our school principal.

"Congratulations Ms. Beckett, I am very happy for your engagement!" Cole rejoiced to this moment, enveloping her hands under his, "It is a wondrous surprise."

"Sure is a surprise," Jaden's face had gone from shocked to irritated, "I'll be in my room. Bye Cole, bye Ster- I mean Star." Jaden was annoyed enough by the ring that he almost forgot to use my nickname.

Mrs. Beckett looked troubled as she guided Cole and me out of the house, "I'm sorry about him, he's probably like this because he has never really gotten to know my fiancé. Well, thank you for accompanying my son today. Good night."

Throughout the rest of the new week, Jaden looked as troubled as ever. Besides our friend squad, Jaden wouldn't talk to anyone else. It even seemed like Jaden was mad at Grayson since there was no conversation ever between them. But in the end, Grayson looked just as mad as Jaden, as Jaden was to him.

There was also the senior graduation, Grayson and Cole were in those graduation dresses, being called up one by one to receive a certificate of being able to finish high school. As far as I remember, Cole got a scholarship on football, and Grayson got his scholarship for swimming. At the end of the ceremony when everyone was taking photos and saying the sappy goodbyes, Jaden spent most of his time with Cole and I. Of course, there was the picture of the six of us, without Cole, where Jaden stood the furthest away from Grayson. To tell the truth, I was a little mad at Grayson too because Kyra was once again attached to him. The good thing about college though is that Kyra will be far away from Grayson.

Summer break began with a weird thing where Jaden would come over to my house more often or Iyla and Roxie's place. But my aunt and uncle decided they should go on a trip for a while, so Iyla and Cheri would be out of our sight for a while. Also, Layne was never around because he had this football camp far away, I think. Sometimes Jaden would just go out for an entire day with Roxie, but Roxie would come back alone and Jaden would return the following morning. To be honest they weren't good at keeping their relationship a secret. As far as my known knowledge, the only people who know about his mom's engagement were Cole and I. If that is true that means that Jaden doesn't want to talk about it or in general have anything to do with it. Almost an entire summer passed, and we did not have a boring depressed one, Roxie, Jaden, and I went to places, fun places.

Jaden was at my house this time, drowning his sorrows on my bed, "I think I want a milkshake, but I could just eat ice cream from the tub."

"You sound like you just broke up, and I think only women have ice cream as medicine. I'm not trying to be sexists, but I've never seen a man have ice cream eating as their cure for pain. Besides colds. And I think milkshakes are better so when you are lazy you can just move your arms," I ranted.

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