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"I can't go back to yesterday -because yesterday I was a different person." _Alice from Alice in Wonderland

Nadene and I have been hanging out more than I have been with my other friends. Now that I think about it I have actually have been ditching them, but I'd rather not be with them right now. Jaden is so awkward to be around, Iyla isn't helping at all, Layne looks all too confused to do anything, Roxie seems to be keeping something from everyone, and I am too mad at Grayson to even be around him. So my only way out of my thoughts is Nadene.

"Hi! Over here Miss Perfect!" Nadene waved from across the street. She had a big smile on her face even though it was freezing and she was wearing a jacket that doesn't look like it would protect her from the cold. "Hurry up now!"

I rushed to the side of the street once the light turned to a white hand. Meeting her, I gave her a similar big smile, "So which bakery did you find this time?" 

Over the days of us being together, I've found out how much Nadene and I were similar. The love of sweets, mochas (although that is a love I share with Grayson), fantasies, and romance. So whenever we tend to hang out, Nadene has found places with yummy sweets and mochas.

"Today we are going to a place called Cafe de Amor. My friend online said it was really good, also she texted me this morning and asked if she could come. Is that okay with you?" Nadene led me along the crowded streets.

"Sure, making a new friend is always fun," I reassure her, "I just hope she is friendly."

We walk into the cafe, I look around and so does Nadene, though I have no idea what her online line friend looks like. In a corner, there was a girl sitting in a booth with hair as bright as Iyla's, hot pink and so unmistakable. But Iyla was at her house I'm sure. Nadene most likely found that person she was looking for, since her eyes zoomed in and locked on one person, Hot Pink Iyla Look-alike. Nadene strutted to her, like when she usually sees someone she doesn't like, especially Iyla, but it could be so she could make a strong first impression. I followed along, heads were turning to see Nadene then me, and the last head to turn was Hot Pink Iyla Look-alike, or should I just say Iyla. Iyla turned around and say Nadene and I walking (and sashaying) towards her, and her face of shock made me completely stop in my tracks.

Iyla looked at me for a moment, but it seemed like she brushed me off to have a stare down with Nadene, "What are you doing here?"

Nadene acted like a little brat at this point, "I am offended, I'm here because I was invited here. Wasn't I, I.Evens, that's your username isn't?"

"You were the one I was contacting? Out of the millions of people on that site, the one I was contacting was you," she threw hands up in the air, exhaling loudly without amusement. "This is unbelievable, but what is more unbelievable is that you, Sterlling, happens to be here with ... this woman. Why are you even hanging out with her?!"

I try to clear up the misunderstanding,"It's not what you are thinking-"

Iyla cuts me off quickly, "It's not? Then what is this?"

Nadene scoffed, raising a perfectly drawn eyebrow of her's, "Not what you are thinking? Sterlling, don't lie, this could be exactly what she is thinking. How 'bout we clear up the fog and explain what's really going on. I'm sure Iyla would love an explanation."

"I would definitely love a reason as to why you are here with Nadene. Because if I remember correctly I invited you this morning, but you declined. So what I am seeing right now is that you just ditched me for this good for nothing, waste of time," Iyla's eyes narrowed directly towards me, and I could feel droplets of sweat coming from my forehead.

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