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My eyes flutter open and I feel my beautiful Tiger sleeping peacefully on my bare chest. I pull the blanket up a bit, hiding her exposed skin. I kiss her forehead and she starts to wake up. "Good morning baby" I smile.

She passionately kisses my lips. "Hiii" she says in her morning voice. "Last night was-"

"Listen about last night, I'm so sorry I shouted at you for not doing something I wanted you to do. I was stressed and needed satisfaction" I say and she smiles. "Regardless... Tiger that was the best thing you could ever do"

She sits up and sits down on my member. "It's totally fine... we learn something new everyday" she winks and I smirk. "I love you so much" she squeezes my member, making me throw my head back in pleasure. "And your little self" she giggles.

I kiss her cheek. "I love you too" I look into her eyes with lust. She smiles and trails her finger down my bare chest so I trail my finger down her shirtless body, ending at her v line. "Round two?"

She nods and slams her lips into mine. I put my hands on her hips and feel her wetness from her core touch my member. I squeeze her ass and she trails her finger down my member vein.

I smirk and bite her lip before flipping us so I'm on top. Just as I'm about to slide into her, the door opens and I immediately get off her and Tiger throws the blanket on us.

"Mommy... I'm hungry" Cub says.

She refuses to look at me...

So I slightly tilt my head in confusion. "Okay baby, give mommy a minute and I'll be right out!" Tiger smiles and Cub nods before walking out of the room. I look at Tiger and she shrugs. "She's mad at you, kids stay mad until you give them ice cream" she giggles before getting off the bed.

I get out as well and we change into our clothes. We walk out of the room and go into the dining room where Cub is. I sit next to her and she crosses her arms as she turns her back against me. "Come on Cub... I'm sorry, but you know to know Rosalie was really hurt, I couldn't just let her sit there crying"

She shakes her head. "Babygirllll here's some Frosted Flakes!" Tiger sits down the cereal and Cub runs over across the table to eat it. I frown. "Why don't you sit with daddy? He wants to see you!" Tiger smiles and kisses Cubs temple.

She shakes her head again and begins eating the cereal. "Fuck it. I'm going to the guys" I stand up and throw on a hoodie before storming out of the house.

I get on my motorcycle and speed to Theos. Damnit I have bad anger issues. Just my daughter is pissed at me and I don't know what to do! Her refusing to even look at me pisses me off! "You're here early" Theo walks out of the house and I nod whole getting off my bike.

I sigh. "Was Tiger ever mad at you when she was little?"

He pushes his eyebrows together in confusion. "No? Why?"

I look at the ground. "Cub. She's pissed at me because I helped Rosalie after she fell off Pepper. Her jealousy is bad... it's like I can't talk to any other kids when she's around or she tells them off"

Theo nods. "Of course, you're her daddy, nobody else's. She only wants you to give her attention because she's scared you're gonna love another little girl besides her. She loves you more than you realize you know"

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