Kill Him

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"How are you holding up?" I ask Sam who has a neck brace in, hiding her nasty hand bruise around her neck. Then a bruise on her cheek. She fails to talk. "Look, I'm so sorry Archie went at you, we didn't know he would do that to one of his teammates wife-" I say and they raise an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe we did, but we're gonna make sure he stays away from you and Oliver"

She shakes her head. "Katie, you're so pure and see good in people... but you don't see the reality. He almost killed Ollie and I. I'm in a fucking neck brace. Oliver's leg is messed up. He can barely walk, he needs fucking crutches"

I sigh. "Archie got his half too. He's in an arm sling and his knee is bandaged up. He's limping and his face is banged up... they got each other equally" I say.

She gulps and looks down. "Katie, I know you love him, really... I do. I'm in love myself... but I think it's only right to... end his dangerous, aggressive, killer soul"

I drop my jaw. "That's not true!! Have you not seen him with Brooklynn?! You were there when she was sleeping on him and he made you guys shush" my eyes fog up.

She stands up and props myself up on her porch post. "I know... I know. Maybe it's an act for you. He only likes you, Katie... but don't you think it can be an act? To get close to the team and... harm them? Like Oliver"

I shake my head in disapproval. "That's not true! Archie could've killed me that day he went at me! But he didn't... because I told him that he's better than this and I believe it. He only went at you because the things you said and he only went at Oliver because he went at him. But I promise you we'll keep you away from him"

Oliver walks out of the house in the crutches. "You're not listening to what she's saying. Archie is so broken and dangerous that he shouldn't be here... he isn't changing. Maybe for you, but he's too aggressive..."

I back up. "No stop! I'll keep him away from you guys! He'll go with the team whenever you're not around and you'll go when he's not. We can make like a routine!"

They frown. "No can do. I'm leaving the Red Hooders" Oliver says and I drop my jaw. "I have Vanessa to care for and if I were to die that day that Archie aimed at me, I would've left Sam, Vanessa, and partially Jacob to fend for themselves. Archie should've considered that too. He clearly didn't care because the same thing, if I pulled that trigger, Brooklynn and you would've lost him. But that doesn't get away from our point... I'll tell the police we found Archie. He needs to be executed or Ill kill him myself"

Tears roll down my cheeks. "Stop stop stop! You're being so unreasonable! You don't know him like I do so don't say he needs to be dead! That's not true!!" I storm off and go in my car to drive to dads where everyone is.

Vanessa and Brooklynn run over to me so I get out of the car and smile. "Mommy!!" Brooklynn hugs my leg and Vanessa bounces around.

I sniffle and wipe my tears away. "Hi baby" I lean down to kiss her forehead then walk over to the guys.

They look at me in confusion and the guys stop punching the punching bags. "What's wrong?" Archie limps over to me.

He's shirtless and sweat is dripping from his perfectly chiseled tone body.Oh don't get me started in his muscles. How can he manage to get sweaty with a damn arm in a sling and fucked up leg?

I would hug him... but I'd rather wait. "Oliver is leaving the Red Hooders" I say and they all drop their jaws except for  Archie.

"You went over there?!" Archie raises his voice.

I look down and take his big hand that's in a sling. "Only to see how they're doing and if they're okay. That's besides the point. They're threatening to tell the police they found you so you can be executed, or Oliver will kill you himself"

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