Gang Blizzard

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I walk over to my Tiger whose standing next to the window. I kiss her temple and notice she's quiet. "What wrong?" I ask with concern in my tone.

She pulls her eyebrows up. "I'm craving ice cream and she don't have any"

 "I'm craving ice cream and she don't have any"

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I take a breath of relied. "Shit, I thought something serious was wrong" I say.

She looks at me. "This is serious!!" she pouts.

 "This is serious!!" she pouts

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I widen my eyes. "Ok ok ok I'm sorry, I'll go out to the store and buy you some ice cream Little Cub and you are so desperately craving" I kiss her forehead and she smiles.

"Can you get the tub of vanilla ice cream with some ice cream cones?" she asks and I nod. "Oh! And some hot fudge? That could be amazingggg!"

 "Oh! And some hot fudge? That could be amazingggg!"

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I put my hand on her side. "of course, Tiger. I'll be right back" I peck her lips before going to the store.

Once I arrive, I go straight to the back to grab the tub of ice cream, cones, and her hot fudge. Damn shes been hella hormonal lately that it's not even funny. She four months pregnant.

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