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It's been a both and a lot has happened. The team was been going after this gang called, The Callers... Oliver never came back to the Red Hooders, he just chills at the house sometimes. Brooklynn went to pre-k! She absolutely loves it and already met her best friend, Rosalie! And my favorite, today is my Lovebugs birthday!!

I look at my sleeping baby and run my fingers through his hair. "Happy Birthday, Lovebug" I say softly and he starts to wake up. "It's your big day!!!" I kiss his cheek. He smiles and pulls me into his chest. "I can't wait for your little party tonight!"

He smirks. "Why don't we have our own little private party in this look tonight?" he sexually asks and I drop my jaw. "We can drop Cub off at your parents and have the night to ourselves" he winks. I look to the side, thinking. "It is my birthday, my big day.

I look at him and laugh. "Go back to sleep" I giggle and he laughs.

We get off the bed and walk out of the room, but just as we open the door, Brooklynn was just about to knock with her little blanket in her hand. "Woah what's wrong, Cub?" Archie picks her up and she frowns. "Another nightmare?" he asks and she nods. "Aw don't be scared, it's not real" he kisses her cheek. "Now let's go eat breakfast and all of us go out"

"I have something for you first!" Brooklynn hops out of his arms and runs to her room. Archie looks at me in confusion and I shrug with a smile. Then Brooklynn runs back up to his with a homemade card she made out of construction paper and a stuffed Tiger. "I made this for you!" she hands Archie the homemade card.

Archie gently takes the card from her hand and admires the cover.

Happy Birthday to the best daddy ever!!

I see a smile appear on his face then he opens it.

Happy birthday daddy!! I love you sooooo much!! You're the best daddy in the world! - Brooklynn

He looks at her with a smile and immediately picks her up. "Thank you so much, Cub! I love it! I love you!"" he kisses her cheek and smiles widely.

"I love you too, daddy!! I also got you this!" she gives him the stuffed Tiger.

Blake runs up to us and Archie drops his jaw. "I have the best little girl ever!" Archie showers her with kisses, making her giggle then he hugs her.

I smile and walk into our room to grab the card I got for him. "And maybe the best girlfriend?" I chuckle and hand it to him. He holds Brooklynn in one arm and looks at the front of the card.

To the best boyfriend...

He opens the card with one hand.

Archie, look at you! You're growing by the minute!! I remember the first day we met... I didn't like you. Now look where we are! We have a daughter of our own and a fucking tiger!! I'd write everything I want to say, but I don't have room since I'm running out right now. Anyways, have a good birthday! I love you so much, Lovebug! -Tiger.

He smiles wide and gently let's Brooklynn down so he can passionately kiss my lips. "I love you so much, thank you!" he smiles and I smile with him. "And you're right, look where we are," he whispers in my ear, "you went from not liking me to fucking me every other night"

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