Water Break!

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It's been five months and Oliver and Sam have officially adopted Vanessa! Archie and I also decided on a name for our baby girl, Brooklynn Aubrey Archer.

Like how mom and dad did, we're keeping the Archers going.

Anyways, all has been good and normal, the team going on street fights, gangs and all that shit. I've actually been letting Vanessa ride Randy until I can get back in the saddle again!

I'm now nine months pregnant and irritable than ever, I've been pushing Archie to do these thing and because he's the most caring boyfriend, he does it so I always apologize in the end for being so damn hormonal.

Archie wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek. "What's up baby momma?" he asks, making me laugh then he moves in front of me and lifts my shirt. "And how's my Little Cub?" he cheekily asks and kisses my bump before Brooklynn kicks. "Someone's in a good mood" he laughs.

I nod. "Only because she heard her daddy's voice" I giggle and he passionately kisses my lips. "She only just kicked because she knows you're here, other than that she doesn't kick for shit" I laugh.

He laughs with me. "She's a daddy's girl!" he tickles my stomach and she kicks again...

Only after it... I feel something leave my body...

I look down to see a puddle of water and drop my jaw. "Archie my water just broke..." I say shockingly and his jaw is dropped as well. "GO!" I shout and he snaps out of it.

I get a contraction, making me scream so Archie takes my hand and rushes me into the backseat of the car. He holds my hand from the drivers seat as he drives. I squeeze his hand harshly while I scream and he speeds to the hospital.

After what feels like an hour, we finally arrive and I'm taken back immediately into the delivery room. Archie holds my hand as the nurses set me up. "The team is on their way now, they can't come back here so they'll come in once th-"

I cut him off my screaming and squeezing his hand as hard as I can. "Okay Katie you have to push with every contraction you have!" the nurse shouts and I do as she says, screaming louder.

"Baby you're okay, just keep pushing! You're doing great!!!" Archie kisses my sweaty temple, but I just glare at him.

"I HATE YOU!" I shout at him as I push through my contraction. "YOU GOT ME PREGNANT AND NOW I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN!" I start to get angry. He gives me a look of disgust and I continue pushing.

I grit my teeth and hiss in pain. "Come on Katie! A few more good pushes and you'll have your baby here in no time!" the nurse shouts over my screaming and I continues to push. "Perfect! Just like that Katie! I see the head!!" she shouts.

I clutch Archie's hand tighter, surely making him loose circulation in his hand. "Shh, just keep pushing" he kisses my temple and I start to cry I she give it my all.

Many pushes later, I hear the cry to my daughter. My whole body gets weak as I see her being held out before getting her vaccines. I try to catch my breath and tears run down both Archie and I's checks.

Once everything is finished, the nurses hand off Brooklynn to Archie and everyone runs into the room, awwwwing. "You're so damn beautiful, Cub" Archie cries and kisses her forehead. "I love you so much" he sniffles and hugs her sleeping soul.

He hands Brooklynn to me and I hold her, kissing her head. "Welcome to the world babygirl... you have daddys brown eyes and oh my gosh you're just so beautiful all together" I kiss her head again then let the guys, mom, and Sam hold her.

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