ice cream

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"If you don't eat then you won't see daddy for a long time!" I say sternly and her eyes fog up, making me sigh. "I'm sorry, I'm stressed. Just please eat" I push Brooklynns bowl of cereal in front of her.

She pushes it back with a frown. "Brooklynn! Eat!" dad walks in and Brooklynns eyes widen before she starts eating.

I stand up. "Thanks dad" I take a breath of relief and he nods as he grabs his keys then the team walks over to him. "Where are you guys going?"

They just smirk before walking out of the house.



I chug down the bottle of vodka and slam it on the ground when I finish. I pull out my vape and start sucking in and blowing the smoke out of my nose. "Archie Dash King" a familiar voice snaps me out of my pity party. "What the fuck are you doing?! You realize this isn't what Little Dove would want you to do, right?"

I laugh. "She's not here to tell me, go fuck it" I huff more of my vape.

They walk over to me. "Dude, please? She's hurting herself. So is Brooklynn. She won't even eat" Bruce says and I look down. "You haven't been eating either have you?" he asks so I look back up at him with a smirk.

They all look at each other. "Come on. Let's all go somewhere" Theo says and I look at him. "Don't give me that fucking look, Archie. Don't think I won't kill you right here right down" he says sternly so I look away from him. "Thought so. Now let's go" he walks out of my house.

I sigh and walk outside with everyone. "Taking the motorcycle?"

"No. You've been drinking. We're walking so we can talk" Theo begins walking.

I growl.

We all start walking and I pull out my phone. "No phone big boy!" Kyle takes my phone so I growl at him, until Theo looks at me.

I look around. "Where's old big and bad?" I ask, referring to Oliver.

Damien face palms himself. "If you don't remember, you shot him in the chest and he's no longer apart of our team"

I give him the middle finger.

They laugh and I look at the ground

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They laugh and I look at the ground. "You said my girls are hurting?" I ask.

They sadly nod. "You two need to patch things up" Bruce says.

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