Chapter 34

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Edward pushed Kalea back and inspected the three teenagers in front of him. 'My, my, I've hit the jackpot,' he smirked. 'Agent 1 and Agent 2. It's a pleasure to meet you.'

It was in this moment Scarlett recognized him, from the television. 'And of course,' he said as he turned his gaze towards Richard, 'Youngman Parker.'

Richard raised a suspicious eyebrow. Parker.

Was that- was that his name? He'd never known and thought he would never find out more about himself. 'I don't have much time,' Edward concluded as Raphael appeared on the scene as well. He stepped out of the shadows like the fallen angel he was. But he wasn't alone. Behind him, stood five men who looked strong and intimidating. Edward grinned as he saw the terror on the teenagers' faces. 'Meet my bodyguards,' Edward said, 'believe me they won't be very nice to you if you don't do what I say.'

Kalea felt a strange feeling crumbling up in her stomach. It was weird to see her creator. Even her mind had blocked to call him her father, for he'd never truly been. Their glances were exchanged and for a moment, Kalea thought she could see regret in those dark brown eyes. 'My bodyguards,' Edward continued, 'are governmentally funded. If you hurt them, you offend the nation of Atrana.'

Scarlett understood what his statement was. They wouldn't be able to fight their way out. 'It won't hurt much,' Raphael said silently, his voice echoing through the basement. Before any of them could progress what he'd said, the bodyguards were already stepping towards them. Even Kalea tried to back away but was with a swift motion pressed to the ground. 'Don't fight it baby bird,' Raphael mouthed as he saw Kalea trying to struggle out of the bodyguards' grip. Edward glanced at him with a disapproving look on his face and walked up to Richard. 'I don't think we'll need him,' Edward said as he kneeled down. Richard, on his knees and completely unable to fight himself out of the bodyguards' grip, angrily looked back at him. 'He's been very helpful,' Raphael tried to interrupt. Edward now turned back towards his son and pointed his finger against his chest. 'Don't forget our goal, Raphael.'

'What is your goal?', Raphael spat back, 'you never told me!'

Edward shook his head and mumbled, 'pathetic idiot. I knew you weren't as smart as people think you are. Sure, you're wise as hell, but you're not intelligent at all. You want to know what the agents are truly for?'

Raphael managed to give a little nod.

'Then I'll show you.'

He snapped his finger to the guard that was holding Scarlett to the ground. His grip tightened on her shoulders as she was now fully pushed on the floor. 'Agent 1 was stronger, wasn't she?', Edward asked. 'Yes,' Raphael replied, 'she has the higher ground in combat fights.'

Scarlett tried to pull her head away as Edward started stroking through her messy, auburn hair. His fingers arrived at a small spot behind her ear as he started pressing it. Scarlett could feel it. It was like a big, black cloud blocking her thoughts, blocking her brain and blocking her free will. In a moment, she wasn't thinking at all. Richard stiffened when he saw the change in Scarlett's expression. Just blank but the urge to kill firing in her eyes. Just like it'd always had been with Kalea when she lost all control. It was like every tiny bit of life just vanished from her eyes, even though she wasn't dead. Edward gestured to the guards to let Scarlett go as she scrambled onto her feet. 'Run Scarlett!', yelled Kalea loudly. But Scarlett didn't run. Instead, she walked up to Raphael and stood next to him. 'This is where my true place lies,' she said almost robotic. 'Noe,' Edward said as he looked at the other two teenagers still held in a tight grip, 'kill them.'

Raphael's eyes widened and he pulled back Scarlett who was already aching to kill. 'Kill?', he said, 'Kill? Are you mad?'

Edward seemed to take it all very lightly according to Raphael. 'Well, perhaps we still need Agent 2, but the boy is of no more use. He can die.'

Richard now really struggled to get loose. It was escape, fight or die and he actually only preferred the first option. Raphael still tried to get through to his father. 'That's what the agents are for? Killing people? Don't you have a heart?'

Edward smirked at the ignorance of his son. 'It's hard to have a heart when you've stopped so many others.'

Raphael was unable to speak as words kept on failing on coming up in his mind. He was perplexed. Never, in all his wildest dreams, could he have imagined his father's true motives. Now the guards let their grip loose on Richard as well as he, too, scrambled to his feet. Without hesitating, Kalea started yelling at him. 'Go Richard! Just go, I'll be fine!'

Richard looked at his chances. The guards were two feet away from him and he might've been able to dodge Scarlett and the two men. He decided to go for it as the world around him was like a highway. He ran to the cellar stairs and tried to climb it. But as soon as he got his hands on the railing, he could feel a hand grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him on the ground. A sharp pain was all he felt now on his back as he looked up at Scarlett. He didn't notice that his glasses had fallen off and that even Felix was now screaming through the transmitter. Scarlett didn't even hesitate for him to get up, she didn't want to fight. She just wanted to kill.

She sat on top of his stomach and wrapped her hands around his neck. She didn't even seem to struggle. She just squeezed in his neck with all the power she had making Richard struggle and cough. 'Scarlett- Scar,' he said with what was left of his voice. 'This isn't you, Scar-'

The grip tightened as Richard could now feel the blood pressure rising in his head and his heartbeat weakening with every second.

Raphael looked away from the scene. This was it, what his father wanted. Once, a small boy that he took under his wing when he'd lost his parents so many years ago. Just a boy, but like a son.

Richard now slowly closed his eyes as all his thoughts started to go away. He could still hear the distant cries from Kalea; begging to let him go, to let him live. The last he saw was a bright light opening up above him and some shadows nearing him with guns in their hands. He was ready now, there was no way out. Scarlett's hands disappeared from his neck. He coughed loudly as he felt a strong hand helping him sit straight up.

August let Thomas help the boy while he himself pointed his gun straight to his father's head. 'At last,' Edward said with a clear voice, 'the disappointment has appeared.'

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