Chapter 31

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Felix woke up with a tremendous pain in his throat; as if he'd eaten something very sour and his mouth had gone dry by doing so. He hadn't tried opening his eyes yet and he felt his face lied on something soft. He slowly tilted his head which caused a lot of effort he wasn't sure he had. He sat straight up and looked at the plate before him; his dry pancakes lay on top of it surrounded by a few squashed strawberry's. He plainly looked around for a while. He was in the same restaurant he remembered. Where he'd talked with Kalea, where the waitress...

He shot up from his chair, suddenly remembering the sudden events.

'She had a KNIFE!', he screamed more to himself than to the almost empty restaurant. His eyes shot to every corner until he noticed Kalea lying on the soft, red carpet. 'Kalea!', he exclaimed as he quickly knelt beside her. He turned her body so that her face faced the ceiling. He noticed that she was bleeding from her temple and tried to wake her by shaking her body back and forth.

No response.

He desperately looked around, finding help, when his eyes shot to the door. Even before he knew it he'd already stood up and run to the door. He tried opening it, but it was locked. Even all the windows had been shielded, so everybody outside wasn't able to see Felix. In the coming next moments, he tried several things.

He tried waking Kalea, he tried calling with his phone but found out there wasn't any signal, he tried breaking through the door and he tried to find where the other doors would lead. And it was the complete irony, that the last door Felix tried, contained a bomb.

An actual, ticking bomb with a digital timer adjusted on it. It surprised him how he hadn't even noticed the earsplitting beeps coming from the bomb. He'd been so busy finding a way out, he didn't notice he and Kalea were locked up with a bomb.

'Blimey,' he whispered softly to himself as his eyes fixated on the clock.




The clock kept ticking and all Felix could do was stare as time slipped through his fingers. Two minutes. Two minutes to not die. Two minutes to find a way out. In a situation like this, it would've been perfectly normal to panic.

To lose all of his senses.

But he knew panicking wouldn't solve anything. All he cared about was getting out of there. He heard a small groan from behind him as he turned around. Kalea was sitting straight up and was roughly rubbing her head and temple.

'Kalea,' Felix whispered as he pointed to the bomb. Kalea looked at it and her eyes widened. 'Shit,' she murmured, 'have you-'

'Tried everything possible way of getting out of here? Yeah, pretty much,' Felix responded.

Kalea looked around desperately as the timer struck to one minute.

'Think. Think,' she whispered to herself. 'There is always a way out in these kind of situations. Always a hidden path in case something went wrong.' She paused for a moment. 'search the walls,' she said clearly to Felix who immediately nodded, not even questioning the order. They both let their hands glide over the walls as fast as they could.


Click. Felix's finger was pressed in a small cube in the wall and they both watched how the wall liberated and a staircase was now clearly revealed. Kalea didn't hesitate and grabbed Felix's arm, pulling him up the stairs. Felix had thought to find another floor with a window or something of that kind, but instead they both stood on the roof of the building. 'What now?', Felix asked as a harsh wind blew his voice away. Kalea ran closer to the edge and looked down. They were pretty high up and a fall on the ground would kill them, for sure. Felix quickly stepped closer to the edge as well and didn't really focused on the ground. A large vehicle, a garbage truck, was nearing. He couldn't see it too well, without his glasses, but he was sure that it had an open top. Kalea hadn't seen it. In all honesty, she agreed that she was panicking now. It was until the moment she felt Felix's hands push her off of the edge, that she completely, totally, lost her mind. She didn't land on the ground as she'd expected, but landed in a huge container filled with trash bags. She landed softly as not even a second later, Felix had landed beside her in the container. She was too perplexed to speak up to him. Felix looked up and was already covering his ears. As they rode away in the garbage truck, Rosemary's pancake house was blown in oblivion with an enormous impact on the rest of the street. The bomb might've been that powerful that the whole street was now gone. Either way, Felix knew he'd never wanted to eat pancakes at a pancake restaurant, ever again.

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