Chapter 6

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'I'm home!'

Kalea put down her backpack on the couch in the living room and walked back into the hall. The great, white staircase that led up to dozens of rooms was quite large. She heard small footsteps coming down the stairs. As she looked up, she saw an elegant but sweet cat running down the stairs. 'Jemima!', Kalea said with great joy in her voice. Her cat was the sweetest thing on earth and once Jemima saw Kalea, she started running faster down the stairs. Jemima immediately started giving Kalea head bumps down to her legs. 'Come on, I'll get you a snack.'

Kalea walked towards the kitchen, which was on the other side of the house. 'Kalea?'

A warm and welcoming voice echoed through the hallway. She turned around and saw Raphael standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He had bags under his eyes and he looked as if he could fall asleep any moment. Right here, on the ground.

'Are you okay?', Kalea asked with a tone of concern in her voice. This wasn't the first time she saw her dad like this. The last weeks he hadn't done anything but cooking himself up in his laboratory and working on his new agents. He nodded and took a step closer towards her. 'I messed up,' he whispered softly while looking guilty at the floor. He raised his hand to his face and his eyes watered with tears. Kalea immediately stepped towards her dad and held him, comforted him. 'It's okay, it's okay,' she whispered in his ear while cradling him in her arms. 'Why,' said her boss, 'why do you have to be so kind?'

Kalea stopped for a moment and closed her eyes. 'Because you wanted me to be,' she answered. Her boss removed himself out of her grip. 'Then I am a monster for wanting that.'

Kalea looked at her boss and lay her hand against his cheek. 'You are no monster. You're my dad,' she said with doubt. She'd never called Raphael her father, but it was how she always felt about him. He smiled at her, slowly but surely. 'Yes, I am,' he replied gently. After this he wiped away his tears and walked towards the hall. 'Don't wait up for me on dinner,' he said, 'Richard will make you something.'

Kalea nodded and watched how her father left her by walking up the white stairs. She probably wouldn't see him for a couple of days, but she was glad with the time they did spent together today. She smiled as she turned back to Jemima, who was patiently waiting for Kalea to take her to the kitchen. When finally arrived at the kitchen, Kalea pushed open the door and let Jemima run free through the cold and white room. 'Miss Kalea!', suddenly shouted a voice. On the floor sat a young boy, just a little bit older than Kalea herself, with a towel and soap in his hands. It was Richard. His parents worked here even before he was born and her father seemed very fond of him. She'd never seen his parents though, but she never really felt like asking about them. All she knew was Richard, the kitchen boy, the servant of the house. 'We've talked about the cat!', he hissed. 'Yes, that's true. I believe I was the one who won that argument,' she joked. He gasped sarcastically and laughed. 'How was your first day on school?' he asked while he turned back to cleaning the floor which was now stained with Jemima's black hair. She sighed. 'I guess it was okay,' she said disappointed. Richard looked down at her. 'What's wrong?', he asked. She shrugged her shoulders. 'It wasn't how I expected it would be,' she said. 'People aren't that nice as they are on the television.'

Richard laughed. 'I know how you feel, I've been through it,' he said, 'high school sucks.'

'One girl made fun of my outfit,' Kalea said as she looked down at her rainbow skirt and her still-spilled-with-coffee socks. 'She said I looked like a toddler.'

Richard grinned but tried to hide his smile. Kalea noticed and gave him a hit on his shoulder. 'You- You moron!', she laughed and pushed him of his feet. Richard defended himself and poked her in her belly. She screamed as she stole his towel and hit him with it. 'Alright, alright'" he laughed, 'you win.'

'As always,' she replied. 'So, what did you say to her?', Richard asked. Kalea looked at him with confusion. 'The girl that called you a toddler,' he gestured. Kalea showed a sign of understanding and sighed. 'I told her I took it as a compliment,' she answered. Richard laughed. 'I expected you'd do something like that.'

'Dad said you'd make dinner tonight,' said Kalea, 'but I'll help if I can.'

Richard nodded and picked up the soap from the ground. 'Chicken soup?', he asked. 'I'd love that,' she answered as she walked to the refrigerator. She was glad she could help Richard with dinner. Everything you eat always tastes better when you made it and Richard was already working so hard. It was true, though, what her father said; she was too kind.

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